Other specialitiesU.K.

Other specialtiesU.K.

13.—(1) If the GDC exercises its powers under section 26(3) and (4) of the Act so as to prescribe specialist titles or provide for specialist lists in any branch of dentistry other than orthodontics or oral surgery, it shall secure as regards a person to whom this paragraph applies that—

(a)any specialist qualification of his in the branch of dentistry in question awarded outside the EEA which has been accepted by another EEA State as qualifying him to practise as a specialist in that branch of dentistry in that State; and

(b)any specialist dental experience and knowledge of his in that branch of dentistry acquired in an EEA State,

are taken into account in assessing his entitlement to use the specialist title in question or to have his name entered in any specialist list relating to that branch of dentistry or in assessing what (if any) further training he must undergo for the purpose of obtaining a qualification in that branch of dentistry.

(2) Paragraph (1) applies to a person who—

(a)is a national of an EEA State; or

(b)is not a national of an EEA State, but is, by virtue of a right conferred by Article 11 of Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1612/68 M1 or any other enforceable Community right, entitled to be treated, for the purposes of access to the profession of dentistry, no less favourably than a national of such a State.

(3) If the GDC exercises its powers under subsection (3) of section 26 of the Act in relation to both oral surgery and surgical dentistry, it shall do so in such a way as to secure that any registered dentist who is entitled to use the title prescribed for oral surgery (an “oral surgeon”) is also entitled to use the title prescribed for surgical dentistry; and if the GDC also exercises its powers by virtue of subsection (4) of that section in relation to surgical dentistry, it shall do so in such a way as to secure that an oral surgeon is entitled to have his name entered in the list of surgical dentists.

Marginal Citations

M1OJ No. L 257, 19.10.1968, p. 1. (amended by Council Regulation (EEC) No. 312/76 OJ No. L 39, 14.2.1976, p. 2.).