Variation of Schedule 52.


The following animals are hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act2:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Beetle, Stag (in respect of section 9(5) only)

Lucanus cervus

Damselfly, Southern

Coenagrion mercuriale

Goby, Couch's

Gobius couchii

Goby, Giant

Gobius cobitis

Hydroid, Marine

Clavopsella navis

Moth, Fiery Clearwing

Bembecia chrysidiformis

Moth, Fisher’s Estuarine

Gortyna borelii

Mussel, Fan (in respect of section 9(1), (2) and (5) only)

Atrina fragilis

Shad, Twaite (in respect of section 9(4)(a) only)

Alosa fallax

Shark, Basking

Cetorhinus maximus

Vole, Water (in respect of section 9(4) only)

Arvicola terrestris


The following entries are hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act in substitution for the existing entries relating to Allis Shad (Alosa alosa)3; Butterfly, Large Copper (Lycaena dispar); Butterfly, Marsh Fritillary (Eurodryas aurinia)4; Mussel, Freshwater Pearl (Margaritifera margaritifera)5:

Common Name

Scientific Name

Allis Shad (in respect of section 9(1) and (4)(a) only)

Alosa alosa

Butterfly, Large Copper

Lycaena dispar

Butterfly, Marsh Fritillary

Eurodryas aurinia

Mussel, Freshwater Pearl

Margaritifera margaritifera


The Moth, Vipers Bugloss (Hadena irregularis)6 is hereby removed from Schedule 5 to the Act.