Variation of Schedule 52.
The following animals are hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act2:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Beetle, Stag (in respect of section 9(5) only) | Lucanus cervus |
Damselfly, Southern | Coenagrion mercuriale |
Goby, Couch's | Gobius couchii |
Goby, Giant | Gobius cobitis |
Hydroid, Marine | Clavopsella navis |
Moth, Fiery Clearwing | Bembecia chrysidiformis |
Moth, Fisher’s Estuarine | Gortyna borelii |
Mussel, Fan (in respect of section 9(1), (2) and (5) only) | Atrina fragilis |
Shad, Twaite (in respect of section 9(4)(a) only) | Alosa fallax |
Shark, Basking | Cetorhinus maximus |
Vole, Water (in respect of section 9(4) only) | Arvicola terrestris |
The following entries are hereby added to Schedule 5 to the Act in substitution for the existing entries relating to Allis Shad (Alosa alosa)3; Butterfly, Large Copper (Lycaena dispar); Butterfly, Marsh Fritillary (Eurodryas aurinia)4; Mussel, Freshwater Pearl (Margaritifera margaritifera)5:
Common Name | Scientific Name |
Allis Shad (in respect of section 9(1) and (4)(a) only) | Alosa alosa |
Butterfly, Large Copper | Lycaena dispar |
Butterfly, Marsh Fritillary | Eurodryas aurinia |
Mussel, Freshwater Pearl | Margaritifera margaritifera |
The Moth, Vipers Bugloss (Hadena irregularis)6 is hereby removed from Schedule 5 to the Act.