Fees on withdrawals and cancellations

8.—(1) Subject to the provisions of regulation 9, if an applicant–

(a)after he has been notified of the time and place for the examination withdraws his application; or

(b)does not submit the engine for the examination at the time and place fixed therefor,

he shall be liable to pay a cancellation fee to cover the abortive work involved in dealing with the application and making arrangements for the examination.

(2) In the case of an examination to which a fee specified in regulation 3 applies–

(a)if the Secretary of State is, not less than 7 days before the date fixed for the examination, notified of the withdrawal or the intention not to submit an engine for the examination, the cancellation fee shall be £105;

(b)if the Secretary of State is not so notified, the cancellation fee shall be–

(i) a quarter of the fee specified in regulation 3(1) plus any wasted expenses reasonably incurred by the Secretary of State in the provision of any facility for the particular examination; or

(ii)£230 in respect of the fee specified in regulation 3(2).

(3) In the case of a further or partial examination of an engine in the circumstances described in regulation 6, the cancellation fee shall be such proportion of the fee as the Secretary of State considers to be appropriate.