Ill-health pensions based on service as a participantJ1


A participant who because of ill-health–


ceases to be a participating member before attaining the age of 65 years; or


while not a member of the Parliament but while having a period of reckonable service as a participating member ceases to be a participating office holder before attaining that age,

may apply to the Parliamentary corporation for an early pension under article F1 if at the time when he so ceases (“the material time”) he would have become entitled to receive a pension under that article but for his not having attained the age of 65.


A participant who because of ill-health–


ceases to be a participating member before attaining the age of 65; or


while not a member of the Parliament ceases to be a participating office holder before attaining that age,

may apply to the Parliamentary Corporation for an early pension under article F2 if at the time when he so ceases (“the material time”) he would have become entitled to receive a pension under that article but for his not having attained the age of 65.


If on an application under paragraph (1) or (2) the Parliamentary corporation is satisfied–


so far as is applicable, that the applicant does not intend to seek re-election to the Parliament or to accept any future offer of a qualifying office;


that his ceasing as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) was a direct consequence of his ill-health; and


that his ill-health is such as would prevent him from performing adequately the duties of a member of the Parliament,

the applicant shall be entitled to receive a pension under article F1 or F2, as the case may be, as from the material time.


A person who, if he were to cease as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) or (2)(a) or (b) at a particular time in the future because of ill-health, would become entitled to make an application under the relevant paragraph, may make such an application before that time, specifying in it the time when he proposes so to cease, and where on such an application the Parliamentary corporation is satisfied that, if the applicant so ceases at the time specified therein, he will be entitled under paragraph (3) to receive a pension under article F1 or F2, as appropriate, as from that time, it shall give him notice in writing to that effect.


The annual amount of a pension payable under article F1 or F2 to a person by virtue of this article shall (subject to Part G (commutation)) be calculated in accordance with article F3; but for the purposes of calculating his pension under article F1 his actual period of reckonable service as a participating member shall be increased by a period equal to the period between his ceasing as mentioned in paragraph (1)(a) or (b) and the time when he would attain the age of 65.


For the purposes of this article–


a person who has ceased to be a participating member in consequence of the dissolution of the Parliament shall be treated as having so ceased because of ill-health if, but only if, he satisfies the Parliamentary corporation that as a direct consequence of his ill-health he did not seek re-election to the Parliament after the dissolution; and


a person who has, while not a member of the Parliament, ceased to be a participating office holder because of the result of a general election consequent upon the dissolution of the Parliament shall be treated as having so ceased as a direct consequence of his ill-health if, but only if, he satisfies the Parliamentary corporation that on the day of the poll in that election his ill-health was such as would prevent him from performing adequately the duties of a member of the Parliament.