Baths, sinks, showers and taps

26.  All premises supplied with water for domestic purposes shall have at least one tap conveniently situated for the drawing of drinking water.

27.  A drinking water tap shall be supplied with water from–

(a)a supply pipe;

(b)a pump delivery pipe drawing water from a supply pipe; or

(c)a distributing pipe drawing water exclusively from a storage cistern supplying wholesome water.

28.—(1) Subject to paragraph (2), every bath, wash basin, sink or similar appliance shall be provided with a watertight and readily accessible plug or other device capable of closing the waste outlet.

(2) This requirement does not apply to–

(a)an appliance where the only taps provided are spray taps;

(b)a washing trough or wash basin whose waste outlet is incapable of accepting a plug and to which water is delivered at a rate not exceeding 0.06 litres per second exclusively from a fitting designed or adapted for that purpose;

(c)a wash basin or washing trough fitted with self-closing taps;

(d)a shower bath or shower tray;

(e)a drinking water fountain or similar facility; or

(f)an appliance which is used in medical, dental or veterinary premises and is designed or adapted for use with an unplugged outlet.