Commencement and Citation


This Order may be cited as The A40 Trunk Road (Ealing) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 1995 Variation Order 1999, and shall come into force on 25th January 1999.



The A40 Trunk Road (Ealing) Red Route (Clearway) Traffic Order 19953 is varied by the following provisions of this Order.


In schedule 1, item 2 is amended as follows:

“The A40 Western Avenue, the westbound carriageway, from a point where the westbound on-slip road from Hanger Lane Gyratory System meets the main carriageway of the Western Avenue at a point opposite the party wall of 39/40 Greystoke Park Terrace to the boundary with the London Borough of Hillingdon, including all slip roads, except the following lengths of road:


the slip road linking “The Target” Roundabout (comprising the junction of the A40 Western Avenue and Church Road, Northolt) and the westbound carriageway of the A40 Western Avenue, from its junction with “The Target” Roundabout westbound for a distance of 127 metres;


the westbound slip road linking A40 Western Avenue and Argyle Road between a point 56 metres east of the party wall of 1 and 1a Central Parade and a point 99 metres west of the western flank wall of 5 Central Parade;


the roundabout situated at or adjacent to the junction with Church Road;


the roundabout situated at or adjacent to the junction with the A4127 Greenford Road.”


In article 4, the words “Not taken up” are deleted and replaced with the words:

“The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a vehicle to be parked at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 3A during the hours specified in column (3) in that item for a period not exceeding the period specified in column (4) in that item, provided that not less than the period specified in column (5) in that item has elapsed since the vehicle was last parked on any part of the same length of road.”


In article 7(1), the words “Not taken up” are deleted and replaced with the words:

“The controls specified in article 3(1) do not apply in respect of a person causing a disabled person’s vehicle which displays a disabled person’s badge in the relevant position to park at the edge of the carriageway on a length of road specified in an item in column (2) of the table in schedule 3A during the hours specified in column (3) in that item.


A new schedule 3A is added as follows:

“SCHEDULE 3ALengths of the trunk road red route clearway on which there are exemptions for parking and disabled persons' vehicles

Articles 4 and 7(1)








Length of Road

Restricted Hours

Maximum Period of Parking

Minimum Interval


The A40 Western Avenue, the westbound slip road linking Target Roundabout (comprising the junction of the A40 Western Avenue and Church Road) and the A40 Western Avenue between a point 127 metres north-west of Target Roundabout and a point 30 metres north-west thereof.

At any time

1 hour

2 hours”

Signed in accordance with a direction from the Secretary of State.

Derek Turner
Traffic Director for London