

References to courses

4.—(1) In these Regulations any reference to a designated course shall be construed as a reference to a course designated by or under regulation 10 and, in relation to any person, any reference to such a course (otherwise unqualified) shall, as the context requires, be construed as a reference to a designated course which the person in question attends or has applied to attend; and, in relation to any designated course except one designated under regulation 10(1)(d), any reference to a course shall be construed as a reference to either a course of full-time study or a sandwich course.

(2) In these Regulations any reference to a first degree course, a Dip HE course, an HND course, a course of initial training for teachers, a course comparable to a first degree course or an international course shall be construed in accordance with regulation 10.

(3) In these Regulations any reference to a sandwich course shall be construed as a reference to such a course within the meaning of paragraph 1 of Schedule 5.

(4) (a) In the case of a student who began his course before 1st April 1989 any reference to a course of higher education is a reference to a course listed in paragraph 2 of Schedule 2 to the Education (Schools and Further Education) Regulations 1981(1) as in force on 31st March 1989;

(b)In the case of a student who began his course on or after 1st April 1989, any reference in these Regulations to a course of higher education shall be construed in accordance with section 120(1) of the Education Reform Act 1988(2).

(5) For the purposes of these Regulations a course the standard of which is not higher than a first degree course which leads to a qualification as a medical doctor, a dentist, a veterinary doctor, an architect, a landscape architect, a landscape designer, a landscape manager, a town planner or a town and country planner shall be considered to be a single course for a first degree or for an equivalent qualification notwithstanding that the course may lead to another degree or qualification being conferred before the degree or equivalent qualification, and notwithstanding that part of the course may be optional.


S.I. 1981/1086, to which there were amendments not relevant to these Regulations. Schedule 2 to the Regulations was revoked by the Education (Schools and Further and Higher Education) Regulations 1989 (S.I. 1989/351).