Article 2(1) and (2)

(The countries specified in this Schedule either are parties to the Berne Copyright Convention and/or the Universal Copyright Convention and/or the Agreement establishing the World Trade Organisation (including the Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights) and/or are member States of the European Community or otherwise give adequate protection under their law.)

  • Albania

  • Algeria

  • Andorra (27th September 1957)

  • Angola

  • Antigua and Barbuda

  • Argentina

  • Australia (including Norfolk Island)

  • Austria

  • Azerbaijan

  • Bahamas

  • Bahrain

  • Bangladesh

  • Barbados

  • Belarus

  • Belgium

  • Belize

  • Benin

  • Bolivia

  • Bosnia-Herzegovina

  • Botswana

  • Brazil

  • Brunei Darussalam

  • Bulgaria

  • Burkina Faso

  • Burundi

  • Cameroon

  • Canada

  • Cape Verde

  • Central African Republic

  • Chad

  • Chile

  • China (including Hong Kong)

  • Colombia

  • Congo

  • Costa Rica

  • Cote d'Ivoire

  • Croatia

  • Cuba

  • Cyprus, Republic of

  • Czech Republic

  • Democratic Republic of the Congo

  • Denmark (including Greenland and the Faeroe Islands)

  • Djibouti

  • Dominica

  • Dominican Republic

  • Ecuador

  • Egypt

  • El Salvador

  • Equatorial Guinea

  • Estonia

  • Fiji

  • Finland

  • France (including all Overseas Departments and Territories)

  • Gabon

  • Gambia

  • Georgia

  • Germany

  • Ghana

  • Greece

  • Grenada

  • Guatemala

  • Guinea

  • Guinea-Bissau

  • Guyana

  • Haiti

  • Holy See

  • Honduras

  • Hungary

  • Iceland

  • India

  • Indonesia

  • Ireland, Republic of

  • Israel

  • Italy

  • Jamaica

  • Japan

  • Kampuchea (27th September 1957)

  • Kazakhstan

  • Kenya

  • Korea, Republic of

  • Kuwait

  • Kyrgyz Republic

  • Laos (27th September 1957)

  • Latvia

  • Lebanon

  • Lesotho

  • Liberia

  • Libya

  • Liechtenstein

  • Lithuania

  • Luxembourg

  • Macau

  • Macedonia

  • Madagascar

  • Malawi

  • Malaysia

  • Maldives

  • Moldova

  • Mali

  • Malta

  • Mauritania

  • Mauritius

  • Mexico

  • Monaco

  • Mongolia

  • Morocco

  • Mozambique

  • Myanmar

  • Namibia

  • Netherlands (including Aruba and the Netherlands Antilles)

  • New Zealand

  • Nicaragua

  • Niger

  • Nigeria

  • Norway

  • Pakistan

  • Panama

  • Papua New Guinea

  • Paraguay

  • Peru

  • Philippines

  • Poland

  • Portugal

  • Qatar

  • Romania

  • Russian Federation

  • Rwanda

  • Saint Kitts and Nevis

  • Saint Lucia

  • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines

  • Saudi Arabia (13th July 1994)

  • Senegal

  • Sierra Leone

  • Singapore

  • Slovak Republic

  • Slovenia

  • Solomon Islands

  • South Africa

  • Soviet Union (27th May 1973)

  • Spain

  • Sri Lanka

  • Suriname

  • Swaziland

  • Sweden

  • Switzerland

  • Taiwan (10th July 1985)

  • Tajikistan (25th December 1991)

  • Tanzania

  • Thailand

  • Togo

  • Trinidad and Tobago

  • Tunisia

  • Turkey

  • Uganda

  • Ukraine

  • United Arab Emirates

  • United States of America (including Puerto Rico and all territories and possessions)

  • Uruguay

  • Venezuela

  • Yugoslavia

  • Zaire

  • Zambia

  • Zimbabwe