Anchor and other lights and signals (exemptions) etc4


The Queen’s Harbour Master may on any occasion when it is necessary to facilitate or ensure a clear passage for any vessel or for any other purpose, direct the Plymouth Port Control traffic light signals to be displayed.


All vessels within the area bounded on the north by latitude 50° 24'.0 North and on the south by the southern limit of the Dockyard Port, are to observe the restrictions appropriate to that signal as specified below, for so long as the signal is displayed.


Light signals displayed over Plymouth Sound located for the time being on Drake’s Island shall govern the movement of vessels to seaward of a line drawn due south from Mutton Cove to Cremyll. Light signals displayed at Flag Port Control Station shall govern the movement of vessels north and west of a line drawn due south from Mutton Cove to Cremyll.


The light signals will be disposed vertically and shall have the following meanings—


No restrictions unless a contrary intention is given on Very High Frequency radiotelephony Channel 13, 14 or 16.

3 red flashing lights:

Serious emergency. All traffic movements suspended throughout the Dockyard Port except as specifically directed by Flag or Longroom Port Control Station.

1 red occulting light over 2 green occulting lights:

Outgoing traffic only may proceed along the channel for deep draught vessels. Vessels requiring to cross that channel are to seek Port Control Station approval. Vessels navigating in the Hamoaze are to ensure a clear passage for any vessel required to be given clear passage in accordance with paragraph (6)(a) of this rule proceeding southward in the main channel.

2 green occulting lights over 1 red occulting light:

Incoming traffic only may proceed along the channel for deep draught vessels. Vessels requiring to cross that channel are to seek Port Control Station approval. Vessels navigating in the Hamoaze are to ensure a clear passage for any vessels required to be given clear passage in accordance with paragraph (6)(a) of this Rule proceeding northward in the main channel.

2 green occulting lights over 1 white occulting light:

Traffic may proceed in either direction but shall give a wide berth to any vessel designated in paragraph (6)(a) of this Rule proceeding along the channel for deep draught vessels or navigating in the Hamoaze.

3 green fixed lights:

Entrance to the Dockyard Port permitted.

3 fixed lights; red over green over red:

Movement of shipping within the Dockyard Port prohibited.



Subject to paragraph 5(b) below, when any of the light signals specified in paragraph (4) of this Rule are displayed—


no vessel shall enter the main channel so governed except in the direction indicated by the light signals;


vessels already in the said channel and proceeding in a contrary direction shall clear the said channel;


Notwithstanding any light signal displayed under paragraph (4) (other than the serious emergency signal) vessels of less than 20 metres in length may proceed in the contrary direction, so long as they navigate with caution and do not impede the passage of any vessel or vessels for which the light signal is being displayed.


When the serious emergency signal as specified in paragraph (4) above is displayed, all vessels are to remain alongside or at anchor until movement is approved by the Queen’s Harbour Master. Vessels already underway shall either return to their point of departure or proceed to their destination (whichever is closer) or act as directed by either port control station.



Vessels which are to be given a clear passage, or the tug or tugs in attendance on such vessels shall display the international Code Pennant superior to Pennant Zero by day (no signal being displayed by night), while underway in the area specified in paragraph (2) of this Rule.


Any master in any doubt as to which vessel is favoured by the traffic lights should call the appropriate port control station by any means to seek the answer.