Condition 27


27.1  Subject to Condition 26, the Licensee shall, from the date on which it first provides Applicable Services, adopt a Numbering Plan in respect of Applicable Services provided or to be provided, for the allocation of any Numbers which:U.K.

(a)are not allocated in accordance with a Specified Numbering Scheme;

(b)are used or are intended to be used:

(i)by the Licensee;

(ii)by any person running a telecommunication system, other than a public telecommunication system, under a Licence, who provides a telecommunication service of a description which the Licensee could provide in accordance with the provisions of this Licence; or

(iii)by any public telecommunications operator; and

(c)are necessary for access to each separately distinguishable element of each Applicable Service.

27.2  The Numbering Plan shall describe the method adopted or to be adopted for allocating and re-allocating Numbers of a kind described in paragraph 27.1. That method shall allow for sufficient Numbers to be available in relation to all telecommunication services, having regard to the reasonably foreseeable growth in demand for such services.U.K.

27.3  The Licensee shall, on or before the date on which it first provides Applicable Services or as soon as practicable thereafter, furnish details of the Numbering Plan to the Director and, on request, to any other person having a reasonable interest.U.K.

27.4  The Licensee shall furnish to the Director details of any proposals which the Licensee may have from time to time to change the arrangements for allocating or re-allocating Numbers within, or to develop, add to or replace, the Numbering Plan adopted and furnished in accordance with paragraphs 27.1, 27.2 and 27.3.U.K.

27.5  Where any arrangements for allocating or re-allocating Numbers within the Numbering Plan referred to in paragraph 27.1 or any developments, additions or replacements furnished in accordance with paragraph 27.4:U.K.

(a)are insufficient to provide Compatibility with the numbering arrangements applied or to be applied by any public telecommunications operator or other person running a telecommunication system under a Licence who provides a service of a description which the Licensee could provide in accordance with the provisions of this Licence;

(b)do not allow for sufficient Numbers to be available in relation to all telecommunication services, having regard to the reasonably foreseeable growth in demand for such services; or

(c)are not consistent with any obligations and recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union which apply to Her Majesty's Government and are binding on or are accepted by it,

the Licensee shall adopt the Numbering Plan referred to in paragraph 27.1 with such developments, additions or replacements as are best calculated to secure such Compatibility or availability or consistency.

27.6  The Numbers to which this Condition applies do not include Numbers:U.K.

(a)which are of a class described in ITU-T Recommendation E.161, E.164, E.166 or F.69 or their functional successors; or

(b)which are of a class described in ITU-T Recommendation X.121 or X.122 and which include any data network identification code which has been specified by the Director for the purposes of this Licence and described in a list kept for that purpose by the Director and made available by him for inspection to the general public.

27.7  The Licensee shall allocate and re-allocate Numbers in accordance with the Numbering Plan referred to in paragraph 27.1.U.K.