Regulation 3(1)

Basic information about the school’s special education provision


The objectives of the governing body in making provision for pupils with special educational needs, and a description of how the governing body’s special educational needs policy will contribute towards meeting those objectives.


The name of the person who is responsible for co-ordinating the day to day provision of education for pupils with special educational needs at the school (whether or not the person is known as the SEN co-ordinator).


The arrangements which have been made for co-ordinating the provision of education for pupils with special educational needs at the school.


The admission arrangements for pupils with special educational needs who do not have a statement in so far as they differ from the arrangements for other pupils.


The kinds of provision for special educational needs in which the school specialises and any special units.


Facilities for pupils with special educational needs at the school including facilities which increase or assist access to the school by pupils who are disabled.

Information about the school’s policies for the identification, assessment and provision for all pupils with special educational needs


How resources are allocated to and amongst pupils with special educational needs.


How pupils with special educational needs are identified and their needs determined and reviewed.


Arrangements for providing access by pupils with special educational needs to a balanced and broadly based curriculum (including the National Curriculum).


How pupils with special educational needs engage in the activities of the school together with pupils who do not have special educational needs.


How the governing body evaluate the success of the education which is provided at the school to pupils with special educational needs.


Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to the treatment of complaints from parents of pupils with special educational needs concerning the provision made at the school.

Information about the school’s staffing policies and partnership with bodies beyond the school


Any arrangements made by the governing body relating to in-service training for staff in relation to special educational needs.


The use made of teachers and facilities from outside the school including links with support services for special educational needs.


The role played by the parents of pupils with special educational needs.


Any links with other schools, including special school, and the provision made for the transition of pupils with special educational needs between schools or between the school and the next stage of life or education.


Links with child health services, social services and educational welfare services and any voluntary organisations which work on behalf of children with special educational needs.