The Merchant Shipping (Life-Saving Appliances For Ships Other Than Ships Of Classes III To VI(A)) Regulations 1999

Ships of Class IX(A)

18.—(1) This regulation applies to ships of Class IX(A).

(2) Every ship of 12.2 metres in length or over shall, when in Category A, B, C and D waters, carry:

(a)a boat or liferaft in either case sufficient to accommodate the total number of persons on board; and

(b)in the case of ships of 21.3 metres in length or over, at least four lifebuoys; and,

(c)in the case of ships of less than 21.3 metres in length but of not less than 12.2 metres in length, at least two lifebuoys.

(3) Every ship of 12.2 metres in length or over when in Category A, B and C waters, and every such ship of less than 12.2 metres in length, shall carry lifebuoys of a number at least equal in number to half the total number of persons on board: provided that ships of 21.3 metres in length or over shall carry at least four lifebuoys and ships of less than 21.3 metres in length shall carry at least two lifebuoys.

(4) Every tug and tender shall carry, in addition to the equipment required by paragraphs (2) and (3), buoyant apparatus sufficient to support the total number of persons on board.

(5) Every ship of 12.2 metres in length or over shall carry a lifejacket appropriate for every person on board.

(6) Liferafts carried in accordance with this regulation shall be so stowed that they can be readily transferred to the water on either side of the ship.