The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) Regulations 1999


(1) Sub-category(2) Classes of vehicle included(3) Additional categories and sub-categories
C1+E (8.25 tonnes)
  • [F1A sub-category of category C+E comprising combinations of a motor vehicle and trailer in sub-category C1+E where:


    the maximum authorised mass of the trailer exceeds 750 kilograms and may exceed the unladen weight of the tractor vehicle, and


    the maximum authorised mass of the combination does not exceed 8.25 tonnes.]

D1 (not for hire or reward)A sub-category of category D comprising motor vehicles in sub-category D1 driven otherwise than for hire or reward.None
D1+E (not for hire or reward)
  • [F2A sub-category of category D+E comprising motor vehicles in sub-category D1+E where:


    the motor vehicles are driven otherwise than for hire or reward, and


    the maximum authorised mass of the trailer exceeds 750 kilograms and may exceed the unladen weight of the tractor vehicle.]

LMotor vehicles propelled by electrical power.None