Explanatory Note
These Regulations consolidate with amendments the Motor Cycles (EC Type Approval) Regulations 1995.
The Regulations implement Council Directive 92/61/EEC which provides that Member States must set up a system for granting EC type approval for two or three-wheel motor vehicles (mopeds, motor cycles and motor tricycles) and certain four-wheel vehicles (quadricycles). Decisions about granting EC type approval must be made in accordance with Council Directive 92/61/EEC and the separate Directives listed in Schedule 1. That list is expanded in order to implement a number of Directives adopted since the making of the Motor Cycles (EC Type Approval) Regulations 1995 and the Motor Cycles (EC Type Approval) (Amendment) Regulations 1997. The Directives concerned are as follows.
Directive 97/24/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council makes provision about certain components and characteristics of two or three-wheel motor vehicles, namely tyres, lighting and light-signalling devices, external projections, rear view mirrors, measures to counter pollution, fuel tanks, measures to counter tampering, electromagnetic compatibility, permissible sound level and exhaust systems, coupling devices and attachments, safety belt anchorages and safety belts, glazing, windscreen wipers and washers and de-icing and de-misting devices.
Commission Directive 1999/23/EC amends Council Directive 93/33/EEC relating to protective devices intended to prevent the unauthorised use of two or three-wheel motor vehicles.
Commission Directive 1999/24/EC amends Council Directive 93/32/EEC relating to passenger hand holds for two-wheel motor vehicles.
Commission Directive 1999/25/EC amends Council Directive 93/34/EEC relating to statutory markings for two or three-wheel motor vehicles.
Commission Directive 1999/26/EC amends Council Directive 93/94/EEC relating to the space for mounting the rear registration plate of two or three-wheel motor vehicles.
The Regulations impose a requirement for an EC certificate of conformity, Minister’s approval certificate or Department’s approval certificate before the first licence or nil licence is granted for a vehicle under the Vehicle Excise and Registration Act 1994. This requirement will apply to all vehicles to which the Regulations apply (subject to specified exceptions) from 17th June 2003. Until that date the requirement does not apply if the vehicle belongs to the same type as a vehicle used before 17th June 1999.
The Regulations make amendments to the Road Traffic Act 1988, the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988, the Road Traffic (Northern Ireland) Order 1981 and the Road Traffic Offenders (Northern Ireland) Order 1996.
Copies of the EEC and EC Directives referred to in these Regulations can be obtained from the Stationery Office.