The Criminal Legal Aid (Fixed Payments) (Scotland) Regulations 1999

Regulation 4


Where professional services are provided in relation to proceedings in the District Court (other than where proceedings are set down to proceed before a Stipendiary Magistrate)Where professional services are provided in relation to proceedings in the Sheriff Court (other than proceedings in a Court specified in Schedule 2) or the District Court (where proceedings are set down to proceed before a Stipendiary Magistrate)Where professional services are provided in relation to proceedings in the Sheriff Court and those proceedings are brought in a Court specified in Schedule 2

1.  All work up to and including:

(i)any diet at which a plea of guilty is made and accepted or plea in mitigation is made;

(ii)the first 30 minutes of conducting a proof in mitigation other than in the circumstances where paragraph (2) below applies; and

(iii)the first 30 minutes of conducting any trial

  • together with any subsequent or additional work other than that specified in paragraphs 2-9 below.

£300 (where criminal legal aid has been made available in the circumstances referred to in para graphs 7 or 8 below £275)£500 (where criminal legal aid has been made available in the circumstances referred to in paragraphs 7 or 8 below £475)£550 (where criminal legal aid has been made available in the circumstances referred to in paragraphs 7 or 8 below £525)

2.  All work done in connection with a grant of legal aid under section 23(1)(b) of the Act including the first 30 minutes of conducting a proof in mitigation.


3.  Conducting a trial or proof in mitigation for the first day (after the first 30 minutes).


4.  Conducting a trial or proof in mitigation for the second day.


5.  Conducting a trial or proof in mitigation for the third and subsequent days (per day).


6.  Representation in court at a diet of deferred sentence.


7.  All work done where the accused is in custody and has tendered a plea of not guilty until determination of the application for legal aid.


8.  All work done by virtue of section 24(7) of the Act until determination of the application for legal aid.


9.  All work done in connection with a bail appeal under section 32 of the 1995 Act.


Schedule 1


  • Campbeltown

  • Dunoon (where proceedings have taken place in Lochgilphead)

  • Kirkwall

  • Lerwick

  • Lochmaddy

  • Oban

  • Portree

  • Rothesay

  • Stornoway