The Motor Vehicles (Driving Licences) (Amendment) (No. 2) Regulations 1999

Regulation 7



The specified matters are set out in sections A to G. The person conducting the test shall examine the candidate on all the items included in those sections.

A. Road traffic regulation

Road traffic regulations including road signs, road markings, signals, rights of way and speed limits.

B. The driver

1.  The importance of alertness and attitudes to other road users.

2.  Perception, judgement and decision-making, including especially reaction time and changes in driver behaviour due to the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicinal products, state of mind and fatigue.

C. The road

1.  The most important principles concerning the observance of safe distance between vehicles, braking distances and roadholding under various weather and road conditions.

2.  Driving risk factors related to various road conditions as they change with the weather and the time of day or night, in particular the effect of wind on the course of the vehicle.

3.  Characteristics of various types of road and the related statutory requirements.

4.  Precautions to be taken when overtaking because of the danger of splashing spray or mud.

D. Other road users

1.  Specific risk factors related to the lack of experience of other road users and the most vulnerable categories of user such as children, pedestrians, cyclists and people whose mobility is reduced.

2.  Risks involved in the movement and driving of various types of vehicle.

3.  Obstruction of the field of view of the driver and other road users caused by characteristics of their vehicles.

E. General rules and regulations and other matters

1.  Rules concerning the administrative documents required for the use of vehicles.

2.  General rules specifying how the driver must behave in the event of an accident (setting warning device and raising the alarm) and the measures which he can take to assist road accident victims where necessary.

3.  Rules on vehicle weights and dimensions.

4.  Rules on driving hours, rest periods and the use of the tachograph.

F. Road and vehicle safety

1.  Mechanical aspects of the vehicle with a bearing on road safety, i.e. checks to detect the most common faults, in particular in the steering, suspension and brake systems, tyres, lights and direction indicators, reflectors, rear-view mirrors, audible warning devices, windscreen and wipers, the exhaust system and seat-belts.

2.  Vehicle safety equipment.

3.  Principles of braking systems and speed governors.

4.  Precautions when alighting from the vehicle.

5.  Safety factors relating to vehicle loading.

G. Environmental matters

Rules regarding vehicle use in relation to the environment, including the appropriate use of audible warning devices, moderate fuel consumption, limitation of pollutant emissions and matters of a similar nature.


The specified matters are set out in sections A to G. The person conducting the test shall examine the candidate on all the items included in those sections.

A. Road traffic regulation

Road traffic regulations including road signs, road markings, signals, rights of way and speed limits.

B. The driver

1.  The importance of alertness and attitudes to other road users.

2.  Perception, judgement and decision-making, including especially reaction time and changes in driver behaviour due to the influence of alcohol, drugs and medicinal products, state of mind and fatigue.

C. The road

1.  The most important principles concerning the observance of safe distance between vehicles, braking distances and roadholding under various weather and road conditions.

2.  Driving risk factors related to various road conditions as they change with the weather and the time of day or night, in particular the effect of wind on the course of the vehicle.

3.  Characteristics of various types of road and the related statutory requirements.

4.  Precautions to be taken when overtaking because of the danger of splashing spray or mud.

D. Other road users

1.  Specific risk factors related to the lack of experience of other road users and the most vulnerable categories of user such as children, pedestrians, cyclists and people whose mobility is reduced.

2.  Risks involved in the movement and driving of various types of vehicle.

3.  Obstruction of the field of view of the driver and other road users caused by characteristics of their vehicles.

E. General rules and regulations and other matters

1.  Rules concerning the administrative documents required for the use of vehicles.

2.  General rules specifying how the driver must behave in the event of an accident (setting warning device and raising the alarm) and the measures which he can take to assist road accident victims where necessary.

3.  Rules on vehicle weights and dimensions.

4.  Rules on driving hours, rest periods and the use of the tachograph.

5.  Rules concerning persons carried.

F. Road and vehicle safety

1.  Mechanical aspects of the vehicle with a bearing on road safety, i.e. checks to detect the most common faults, in particular in the steering, suspension and brake systems, tyres, lights and direction indicators, reflectors, rear-view mirrors, audible warning devices, windscreen and wipers, the exhaust system and seat-belts.

2.  Vehicle safety equipment.

3.  Principles of braking systems and speed governors.

4.  Precautions when alighting from the vehicle.

5.  Safety factors relating to vehicle loading and persons carried.

G. Environmental matters

Rules regarding vehicle use in relation to the environment, including the appropriate use of audible warning devices, moderate fuel consumption, limitation of pollutant emissions and matters of a similar nature..