The Family Proceedings Fees Order 1999

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order revokes the Family Proceedings Fees Order 1991 and replaces it by specifying new fees for family proceedings in the High Court and the county courts. In most cases the fees have been increased.

The table of comparison below shows the comparison between the old fees and the new fees. The table also shows where new fees have been introduced.

Table of Comparison

Number and summary of new fee (for full description see Schedule 1)Amount of new fee (for full details see Schedule 1)Amount of old feeNumber of old fee
Section 1. Fees to be taken in the High Court and in the county courts

1.    Commencement

Filing originating proceedings


1.2  Presenting any petition


1.3  Applying for non molestation order/occupation order


1.4  Amending a petition


1.5  Filing an answer to a petition or a cross petition


1.6  Application for order under Part III of Solicitors Act 1974

£30New feeNew fee

2.    Proceedings under the Children Act 1989

On filing an application or requesting leave–

Parental responsibility, guardians, section 8 orders etc.

2.1—(a) section 4(1)(a), or (3), 5(1), 10(1) or (2)

(b) section 6(7), or 13(1) £80£502(1)(b)

Financial provision for children

2.2—(a) paragraph 1(1), 2(1), 6(5) or 14(1) of Schedule 1

(b) paragraph 1(4), 2(5), 5(6), 6(7), 6(8), 8(2), 10(2), or 11 of Schedule 1 £80£502(1)(d)

Secure accommodation

2.3—(a) Section 25


Care, supervision, etc.

2.4—(a) section 31

(b) section 33(7), 38(8)(b), 39(1), (2), (3) or (4), paragraph 6 of Schedule 3 or paragraph 11(3) of Schedule 14 £80£502(1)(g)

Contact with child in care

2.5—(a) section 34(2), (3), (4) or (9)


Placement abroad

2.6—(a) paragraph 19(1) of Schedule 2


Education supervision

2.7—(a) section 36(1)

(b) paragraph 15(2) or 17(1) of Schedule 3 £80£502(l)(k)

Child Assessment order

2.8—(a) section 43(1)


Emergency protection

2.9—(a) section 43(12)

(b) section 44, 45, 46 or 48 £80£502(l)(n)

Recovery of Children

2.10—(a) section 50



2.11—(a) section 102



2.12—(a) On commencing an appeal under section 94 of, or paragraph 23(11) of Schedule 2 to, the Children Act 1989


Interim care/supervision orders

2.13—(a) Applying for interim care/supervision orders

£30No specific feeNo specific fee

3.    Adoption and wardship applications

Commencing proceedings under the Adoption Act 1976


3.2  Commencing proceedings under section 21 of Adoption Act 1976


3.3  Applying for exercise of High Court jurisdiction to children


4.    Applications in proceedings

Application for an order, no notice given


4.2  Request for directions for trial


4.3  Application on notice


5.    Appeal from a district judge

Appeal from a district judge to a judge


6.    Searches

Search in the central index of decrees absolute at Principal Registry


6.2  On making a search in the central index of parental responsibility


6.3  Search in the index of decrees absolute of a divorce county court


7.    Copies of documents

Copy document per page for the first five pages


7.1—(b) Copy per page for subsequent pages


7.2  Copy document in electronic form

£3New feeNew fee

8.    Determination of costs

Old fees apply where documents filed pursuant to a court order made before this Order came into force.

8.1  Filing bill of costs/request for detailed assessment/detailed assessment hearing/request for hearing date for assessment under Part III Solicitors Act 1974

£80scale fees (estimated average £286)9(a)(b)

8.2  Request for review of taxation or an appeal against taxation/detailed assessment

£50New feeNew fee

8.3  Application for court’s approval of a Legal Aid Taxation/Assessment Certificate

£20New feeNew fee

9.    Registration of maintenance orders

Application to register maintenance order for enforcement


9.2  Application to send maintenance order abroad for enforcement


10.    Insolvency Act 1986

On entering a bankruptcy petition

(a)by debtor or personal representative of deceased debtor

£120New feeNew fee
(b) by a creditor or other person £150New feeNew fee

10.2  Any other petition

£150New feeNew fee

10.3—(a) Request for a certificate for discharge

£50New feeNew fee

10.3—(b) and after the first certificate, for each copy

£1New feeNew fee
Section 2. Fees to be taken in the county courts only

11.    Service

On a request for service by bailiff


12.    Enforcement in the county courts

County court execution up to £125


12.1—(b) County Court execution over £125


12.2  Further attempt at execution of warrant

£20New feeNew fee

12.3  Oral examination


12.4  Garnishee order or charging order


12.5  Judgment summons


12.6  Warrant of possession or delivery

£80New feeNew fee

12.7  Attachment of earnings application

£50New feeNew fee

13.    Sale

Taking steps to remove goods

reasonable expensesreasonable expenses13(a)

13.2  For advertising a sale by public auction

reasonable expensesreasonable expenses13(b)

13.3  For the appraisement of goods

5p in the £5p in the £13(c)

13.4  For the sale of goods

15p in the £15p in the £13(d)

13.5  Stop sale fee

10p in the £ and fees 13.1, 13.2 or 13.3Where goods appraised, 10p for every £1 Where goods not appraised, the reasonable expenses incurred13(e)
Section 3. Fees to be taken in the High Court only

14.    Enforcement in the High Court

Sealing a writ of execution/possession/delivery


14.2  Oral examination


14.3  Garnishee order/charging order


14.4  Judgment summons


14.5  Application to register/enforce a judgment or order


15.    Affidavits

15.1  Taking an affidavit/affirmation or attestation


15.2  For each exhibit referred to in an affidavit
