The Police (Efficiency) Regulations 1999

Assessment of performance following second interview

12.—(1) Not later than 14 days after the date on which the period specified under regulation 10(4)(d) ends—

(a)the countersigning officer shall, in consultation with the reporting officer, assess the performance of the member concerned during that period; and

(b)the countersigning officer shall inform the member concerned in writing whether the reporting officer and the countersigning officer are of the opinion that there has been a sufficient improvement in performance during that period.

(2) If the countersigning officer is of the opinion that there has been an insufficient improvement, the member concerned shall also, within the period of 14 days mentioned in paragraph (1), be informed in writing that he may be required to attend, at a time (being not sooner than 21 days, but not later than 56 days, after the date on which the notification under this paragraph is received by him) to be notified separately, a hearing (in these Regulations referred to as an inefficiency hearing) to consider his performance.

(3) The countersigning officer shall refer any case in which the member concerned has been informed in accordance with paragraph (2) to the senior manager, who shall, if he thinks it appropriate to do so, direct that an inefficiency hearing be arranged under regulation 13.