The Trade Marks Rules 2000

Procedure on application for revocation (on the grounds of non-use); s. 46(1)(a) and (b) (Forms TM8 & TM26(N))

31.—(1) An application to the registrar for revocation under section 46(1)(a) or (b) of the registration of a trade mark shall be made on Form TM26(N) together with a statement of the grounds on which the application is made; the registrar shall send a copy of the application and the statement to the proprietor.

(2) Within three months of the date on which a copy of the notice and statement is sent by the registrar to the proprietor, the proprietor may file a counter-statement, in conjunction with notice of the same on Form TM8 and either:

(a)two copies of evidence of use made of the mark; or

(b)reasons for non-use of the mark.

  • Where such a notice and counter-statement, and evidence of use of the mark or reasons for non-use of the mark, are filed within the prescribed period, the registrar shall send a copy of the Form TM8 and the counter-statement, and the evidence of use of the mark or the reasons for non-use of the mark, to the applicant.

(3) Where a counter-statement, in conjunction with a notice of the same, on Form TM8, and evidence of use of the mark or reasons for non-use of the mark, are not filed by the proprietor within the period prescribed by paragraph (2), the registrar may treat his opposition to the application as having been withdrawn.

(4) Within three months of the date upon which a copy of the Form TM8 and counter-statement is sent by the registrar to the applicant, the applicant may file such evidence as he may consider necessary to adduce in support of the grounds stated in his application and shall send a copy thereof to the proprietor.

(5) If the applicant files no evidence under paragraph (4) above in support of his application, he shall, unless the registrar otherwise directs, be deemed to have withdrawn his application.

(6) If the applicant files evidence under paragraph (4) above or the registrar otherwise directs under paragraph (5) above, the proprietor who has filed a notice and counter-statement under paragraph (2) above may, within three months of the date on which either a copy of the evidence or a copy of the direction is sent to him, file such further evidence as he may consider necessary in support of the reasons stated in the counter-statement and shall send a copy thereof to the applicant.

(7) Within three months of the date upon which a copy of the proprietor’s evidence is sent to him under paragraph (6) above, the applicant may file evidence in reply which shall be confined to matters strictly in reply to the proprietor’s evidence, and shall send a copy thereof to the proprietor.

(8) No further evidence may be filed, except that, in relation to any proceedings before her, the registrar may at any time if she thinks fit give leave to either party to file such evidence upon such terms as she may think fit.

(9) Upon completion of the evidence the registrar shall request the parties to state by notice to her in writing whether they wish to be heard; if any party requests to be heard the registrar shall send to the parties notice of a date for the hearing.

(10) When the registrar has made a decision on the application she shall send the parties to the proceedings written notice of it, stating the reasons for her decision; and for the purposes of any appeal against the registrar’s decision the date when the notice of the decision is sent shall be taken to be the date of the decision.