Articles 10(1) and 18

SCHEDULERules as to reproduction of documents

1.—(1) All records, cases and other proceedings in appeals or other matters pending before her Majesty in Council or the Judicial Committee which are required by the above Rules to be reproduced shall be reproduced on A4 ISO paper.

(2) Each page shall be numbered.

(3) The number of lines on each page of type shall be 47 or thereabouts, and every tenth line shall be numbered in the margin.

2.  The record shall, where practicable, be arranged in two parts in the same volume, viz:—

Part I.The pleadings and proceedings, the transcript of the evidence of the witnesses, the judgments, orders etc., of the courts below down to the order admitting the appeal.

Part II.The exhibits and documents.

3.—(1) The index to both parts of the record shall be placed at the beginning of Part I.

(2) Where a record is in more than one volume, each volume shall contain an index of its contents.

(3) The index to Part I shall be in chronological order; the index to Part II shall follow the order of the exhibit marks.

(4) A list of any documents transmitted to the Privy Council but not reproduced shall be inserted in the record after the index to Part II.

4.—(1) The documents in Part I of the record shall be arranged in chronological order.

(2) (a) Part II shall be arranged in the most convenient way for the use of the Judicial Committee, as the circumstances of the case require.

(b)The documents shall be as far as suitable in chronological order, mixing plaintiff’s and defendant’s documents together when necessary.

(c)Each document shall show its exhibit mark and whether it is a plaintiff’s or defendant’s document (unless this is clear from the exhibit mark).

(d)Documents relating to the same matter, such as—

(i)a series of correspondence, or

(ii)proceedings in a suit other than the one under appeal, shall be kept together.

(e)The page number of each document shall be inserted in the index.

5.—(1) The documents in Part I shall be numbered consecutively.

(2) The documents in Part II shall not be numbered, apart from the exhibit mark.

6.  Each document shall have a heading which shall consist of the number or exhibit mark and the description of the document in the index, without the date.

7.  Each document shall have a marginal note which shall be repeated on each page over which the document extends, viz:—