The Employment Relations (Offshore Employment) Order 2000

Jurisdiction of employment tribunals

3.—(1) In England and Wales, the employment tribunals shall have jurisdiction to determine complaints or appeals arising (in connection with employment to which this Order applies) from acts or omissions taking place in the English area, as they would have if those acts or omissions had taken place in England and Wales.

(2) In Scotland, the employment tribunals shall have jurisdiction to determine complaints or appeals arising (in connection with employment to which this Order applies) from acts or omissions taking place in the Scottish area, as they would have if those acts or omissions had taken place in Scotland.

(3) The employment tribunals England and Wales and the employment tribunals Scotland shall have jurisdiction to determine complaints or appeals (in connection with employment to which this Order applies) in respect of matters arising in connection with employment wholly or mainly for the purposes of any activities connected with the Frigg Gas Field.