Regulation 5(15)
Schedule 3 to the Public Supply Regulations shall be replaced by—
Regulations 9(1), 11(2),(8), 12(2),(16),13(2) and 22(1)
1. Name, address, telegraphic address, telephone, telex and facsimile numbers of the contracting authority or the office from which additional information may be obtained.
2. Nature and quantity or value of the goods to be supplied. CPA reference number .
3. Estimated date of the commencement of the procedures leading to the award of the contract(s) (if known).
4. Other information.
5. Date of despatch of the notice.
6. Indication of whether the procurement is covered by the GPA.
1. Name, address, telegraphic address, telephone, telex and facsimile numbers of the contracting authority.
2.—(a) Award procedure chosen;
(b)Form of contract for which offers are invited.
3.—(a) Place of delivery.
(b)Nature and quantity of the goods to be supplied, including CPA reference number and where applicable any options for further supplies and, if known, the expected date(s) when such options may be exercised. In the case of regular or recurring contracts, an estimate of the timing of the subsequent calls for tenders;
(c)Indication of whether the suppliers can tender for some and/or all of the goods required.
(d)Whether offers are invited for purchase, lease, rental, hire purchase or a combination of these.
4. Time limit for delivery or duration of the contract and, as far as possible, the date on which delivery should commence.
5.—(a) Name and address from which the contract documents and additional documents may be requested;
(b)Final date for making such requests;
(c)Where applicable, the amount and terms of payment of any sum payable for such documents.
6.—(a) Final date for receipt of tenders;
(b)Address to which they must be sent;
(c)Language(s) in which they must be drawn up.
7.—(a) Person(s) authorised to be present at the opening of tenders;
(b)Date, time and place of opening.
8. Where applicable, any deposits and guarantees required.
9. The main terms concerning financing and payment and/or references to the relevant provisions.
10. Where applicable, the legal form to be taken by a grouping of suppliers to whom the contract is awarded.
11. Information concerning the supplier’s own position, and information and formalities necessary for an appraisal of the minimum standards of economic and financial standing and technical capacity required of him.
12. Period during which the tenderer is bound to keep open his tender.
13. Criteria for the award of the contract. Criteria other than that of the lowest price shall be mentioned if they do not appear in the contract document.
14. Where applicable, prohibition on variations.
15. Other information.
16. Date of publication of the prior information notice in the Official Journal or references to its non-publication.
17. Date of despatch of the notice.
18. Indication of whether the procurement is covered by the GPA.
1. Name, address, telegraphic address, telephone, telex and facsimile numbers of the contracting authority.
2.—(a) Award procedure chosen;
(b)Where applicable, justification for use of the shorter time limits ;
(c)Form of contract for which offers are invited.
3.—(a) Place of delivery;
(b)Nature and quantity of goods to be delivered, including CPA reference number; and, where applicable, any options for further supplies and, if known, an estimate of the timing when such options may be exercised. In the case of regular or recurring contracts, the estimated date(s) of the subsequent calls for tender;
(c)Indication of whether the supplier can tender for some and/or all of the goods required;
(d)Whether offers are invited for purchase, lease, rental, hire purchase or a combination of these.
4. Time limit for delivery, or duration of the contract and as far as possible, the date on which delivery should commence.
5. Where applicable, the legal form to be assumed by a grouping of suppliers to whom the contract is awarded.
6.—(a) Final date for the receipt of requests to participate;
(b)Address to which they must be sent;
(c)Language(s) in which they must be drawn up.
7. Final date for the dispatch of invitations to tender.
8. Any deposits and guarantees required.
9. Information concerning the supplier’s own position, and the information and formalities necessary for an appraisal of the minimum standards of economic and financial standing and technical capacity required of him.
10. Criteria for the award of the contract if these are not stated in the invitation to tender.
11. If known, the number of suppliers which will be invited to tender or the range within which that number is expected to fall.
12. Where applicable, prohibition on variations.
13. Other information.
14. Date of publication of the prior information notice in the Official Journal or references to its non-publication.
15. Date of despatch of the notice.
16. Indication of whether the procurement is covered by the GPA.
1. Name, address, telegraphic address, telephone, telex and facsimile number of the contracting authority.
2.—(a) Award procedure chosen;
(b)Where applicable, justification for use of shorter time limits ;
(c)Where applicable, form of contract for which offers are invited.
3.—(a) Place of delivery.
(b)Nature and quantity of goods to be delivered, including CPA reference number; and, where applicable, any options for further supplies and, if known, the estimated date(s) when such options may be exercised. In the case of regular or recurring contracts, the estimated date(s) of the subsequent calls for tender.
(c)Indication of whether the supplier can tender for some and/or all of the goods required;
(d)Whether offers are invited for purchase, lease, rental, hire purchase or a combination of these.
4. Where applicable, the legal form to be taken by a grouping of suppliers to whom the contract is awarded.
5.—(a) Final date for the receipt of request to participate;
(b)Address to which they must be sent;
(c)Language(s) in which they must be drawn up.
6. Any deposits or guarantee required.
7. Information concerning the supplier’s own position, and the information and formalities necessary for an appraisal of the minimum standards of economic and financial standing and technical capacity required of him.
8. If known, the number of suppliers which will be invited to tender or the range within which that number is expected to fall.
9. Where applicable, prohibition on variations.
10. Where applicable, the names and addresses of suppliers already selected by the awarding authority.
11. Date(s) of previous publications in the Official Journal.
12. Other information.
13. Date of despatch of the notice.
14. Indication of whether the procurement is covered by the GPA.
1. Name and address of contracting authority.
2.—(a) Award procedure chosen;
(b)where appropriate, justification for the use of the negotiated procedure without a call for competition .
3. Date of award of contract.
4. Criteria for award of contract.
5. Number of offers received.
6. Name(s) and address(es) of supplier(s).
7. Nature and quantity of goods supplied, where applicable, by supplier: CPA reference number.
8. Price or range of prices paid or to be paid.
9. Value of winning award(s) or the highest and lowest offer taken into account in the award of the contract.
10. Where appropriate, value and proportion of the contract which may be subcontracted to third parties.
11. Other information.
12. Date of publication of the tender notice in the Official Journal.
13. Date of despatch of the notice.”