Power to construct works

4.—(1) Subject to the provisions of this Order, the City Council (or others acting on their behalf) may, when they have acquired the necessary lands or obtained sufficient interests therein, make and maintain the following works in the City of Portsmouth:

(a)a series of free floating pontoons, one section measuring six metres in width and of a total length of two hundred and fifteen metres, a second section measuring two-and-a-half metres in width and of a total length of one hundred and ninety metres and a third section measuring eight metres in width and of a total length of twenty metres to form ship berths and walkways positioned adjacent to and west of Gunwharf Quays and secured in place by mooring dolphins.

(b)A pedestrian gangway thirty-five metres long and two-and-a-half metres wide extending out from a structural platform to be constructed on the western face of the Gunwharf Quay wall.

(c)A disabled passenger and equipment hoist installed at the northern end of the Tall Ships Berths and fixed to the face of the Gunwharf quay wall.

(2) The works described in paragraph (1) shall be carried out within an area of land enclosed by the limit of deviation formed by the south western Gunwharf quay wall between 50° 47.693 N of latitude, 1° 6.402 W of longitude(1) and 50° 47.645 N of latitude, 1° 6.343 W of longitude thence by an imaginary line in a south westerly direction for a distance of seventy three metres to 50° 47.632 N of latitude, 1° 6.400 W of longitude thence in a south easterly direction for a distance of fifteen metres to 50° 47.623 N of latitude, 1° 6.395 W of longitude thence generally following the line of the existing quay in a southerly direction to 50° 47.597 N of latitude, 1° 6.409 W of longitude thence by an imaginary line in a north westerly direction to 50° 47.605 N of latitude, 1° 6.436 W of longitude thence in a south to north line to 50° 47.704 N of latitude, 1° 6.454 W of longitude thence in a west to east line to 50° 47.706 N of latitude, 1° 6.438 W of longitude thence generally following the outer edge of the future quay that forms the line of the proposed Gunwharf Quay development quayside back to the point of commencement and within the limits of deviation.

(3) The City Council may within the limits of deviation, and subject to paragraph (5) below, extend, enlarge, alter, replace or relay the authorised works.

(4) The City Council may authorise any person to carry out the authorised works.

(5) The City Council or other person authorised to carry out the works shall not carry out any works permitted under paragraph (3) above which are reasonably likely (either alone or in combination with other works) to affect the Special Protection Area without first obtaining the consent of the Secretary of State.


Ordnance Survey of Great Britain (1936) Datum.