The Personal Pension Schemes (Concurrent Membership) Order 2000

Calculation of a person’s grossed-up remuneration from an office or employment

3.—(1) The figure referred to in section 632B(4)(a) shall be determined in accordance with paragraph (2) or (3).

(2) Where the person held the office or employment throughout the year of assessment in question the figure is 1.

(3) In any other case, the figure is determined in accordance with the following calculation:

  • Step One

  • Work out the number of months for which the person held the office or employment during the year of assessment in question (and any remaining fraction of a month shall count as a full month for this purpose).

  • Step Two

  • Divide the figure 12 by the figure resulting from Step One and round the result up or down (if necessary) to the nearest single decimal place.

  • The result is the figure to be applied in calculating the grossed-up remuneration of that person from that office or employment in that year of assessment.