Restrictions relating to publicity

15.—(1) An authority shall not incur any expenditure for the purpose of—

(a)publishing any material which, in whole or in part, appears designed to influence local government electors in deciding whether or not to sign a petition under this Part;

(b)assisting any person to publish any such material; or

(c)influencing or assisting any person to influence, by any other means, local government electors in deciding whether or not to sign a petition under this Part.

(2) Nothing in paragraph (1) shall be taken to prevent an authority from incurring expenditure on publishing or otherwise providing to any person (whether or not in pursuance of any duty to do so) any factual information so far as it is presented fairly.

(3) In determining for the purposes of paragraph (2) whether any information is presented fairly, regard shall be had to any guidance for the time being issued by the Secretary of State under section 38.