1.  Subject to paragraph 2 below, the information to be provided by way of notes to the accounts shall, insofar as not provided in the statement of financial activities or in the balance sheet, be as follows:

(a)particulars of any material adjustment made pursuant to regulation 3(7) above;

(b)a description of the accounting policies of, and assumptions made for the purposes of preparing the statement of accounts by, the charity trustees, including any material change in these, the reason for such change and its effect (if material) on the accounts, in accordance with the methods and principles set out in the SORP;

(c)a description of the nature and purpose of all material funds of the charity in accordance with the methods and principles set out in the SORP;

(d)such particulars of the related party transactions of the charity, or of any institution or body corporate connected with the charity, as may be required by the SORP to be disclosed;

(e)such particulars of the cost to the charity of employing staff as may be required by the SORP to be disclosed;

(f)such particulars of the emoluments of staff employed by the charity as may be required by the SORP to be disclosed;

(g)particulars of the cost to the charity of—

(i)any policies of insurance against loss arising from the neglect or default of any of the charity trustees or trustees for the charity; or

(ii)indemnifying the charity trustees, or trustees for the charity, or any of them, in respect of the consequences of any such loss;

(h)a description of any incoming resources which represent capital, according to whether or not that capital is permanent endowment;

(i)an itemised analysis of any material movement between any of the restricted funds of the charity, or between a restricted and an unrestricted fund of the charity, together with an explanation of the nature and purpose of each of those funds;

(j)the name of any institution or body corporate connected with the charity, together with a description of the nature of the charity’s relationship with that institution or body corporate and of its activities, including, where material, its turnover and net profit or loss for the corresponding financial year of the institution or body corporate and any qualification expressed in an auditor’s report on its accounts;

(k)particulars of any guarantee given by the charity, where any potential liability under the guarantee is outstanding at the date of the balance sheet;

(l)particulars of any loan outstanding at the date of the balance sheet—

(i)which was made to the charity, and which is secured by an express charge on any of the assets of the charity; or

(ii)which was made by the charity to any institution or body corporate connected with the charity;

(m)particulars of any fund of the charity which is in deficit at the date of the balance sheet;

(n)particulars of any remuneration paid to an auditor or independent examiner in respect of auditing or examining the accounts of the charity and particulars of any remuneration paid to him in respect of any other services rendered to the charity;

(o)such particulars of any grant made by the charity as may be required by the SORP to be disclosed;

(p)particulars of any ex gratia payment made by the charity;

(q)an analysis of any entry in the balance sheet relating to fixed assets, debtors and creditors, according to the categories set out in the SORP;

(r)an analysis of all material changes during the financial year in question in the values of fixed assets, in accordance with the methods and principles set out in the SORP;

(s)the following particulars of any contingent liability existing at the date of the balance sheet, that is to say, its amount or estimated amount, its legal nature and whether any valuable security has been provided by the charity in connection with that liability and, if so, what;

(t)particulars of any other financial commitments which are outstanding at the date of the balance sheet, and which have not been provided for and are relevant to assessment of the state of affairs of the charity;

(u)if the market value (as at the date of the balance sheet) of any land forming part of the property of the charity differs substantially from the amount at which that land is included in the balance sheet, and the difference is, in the opinion of the charity trustees, of such significance as to require that attention be drawn to it, particulars of that difference;

(v)in the case of any amount required by any of the preceding sub-paragraphs (other than sub-paragraph (i), (o) or (r) to be disclosed), the corresponding amount for the financial year immediately preceding that to which the accounts relate;

(w)a statement as to whether or not the accounts have been prepared in accordance with any applicable accounting standards and statements of recommended practice and particulars of any material departure from those standards and statements of practice and the reasons for such departure;

(x)where the charity trustees have exercised their powers under sub-paragraph (a) or (c) of regulation 5(4) of the 1995 Regulations so as to determine an accounting reference date earlier or later than 12 months from the beginning of the financial year, a statement of their reasons for doing so;

(y)if, in accordance with regulation 3(5)(d) above, the charity trustees have departed from any requirement of that regulation, particulars of any such departure, the reasons for it, and its effect; and

(z)any additional information—

(i)which is required to ensure that the statement of accounts complies with the requirements of regulation 3 above; or

(ii)which may reasonably assist the user to understand the statement of accounts.