
PART IIIRegistration of slaughterhouses

Application of regulations 13 to 19 and 20 (where relating to Part III)

12.  Regulations 13 to 19, and (in so far as it relates to notices served under regulation 15 or 17) regulation 20, apply to slaughterhouses in England.

Application for registration

13.—(1) A slaughterhouse operator may apply to the Board to register a slaughterhouse for the slaughter of premium animals other than premium calves, or premium calves, or both.

(2) An application under paragraph (1) shall—

(a)be in writing;

(b)be in the English language;

(c)be signed by or on behalf of the slaughterhouse operator;

(d)contain the name, or business name, and address of the slaughterhouse operator;

(e)identify the slaughterhouse to which the application relates;

(f)indicate the premium animals for the slaughter of which registration is sought;

(g)contain an undertaking that—

(i)if and for as long as the slaughterhouse is registered for the slaughter of premium animals other than premium calves, the conditions set out in Part I of the Schedule will be complied with; and

(ii)if and for as long as the slaughterhouse is registered for the slaughter of premium calves, the conditions set out in Parts I and II of the Schedule will be complied with.

Registration of slaughterhouses

14.  Where an application complying with regulation 13(2) is submitted under regulation 13(1), the Board shall register the slaughterhouse identified in it for the slaughter of the premium animals indicated in accordance with regulation 13(2)(f) by entering the slaughterhouse, together with a note of the premium animals so indicated, on a list, which the Board shall maintain, of slaughterhouses so registered.

Breach of conditions of registration

15.  If the Board is not satisfied that the conditions set out in Part I of the Schedule are being complied with at a registered slaughterhouse, or that the conditions set out in Part II of the Schedule are being complied with at a slaughterhouse registered for the slaughter of premium calves, it may serve on the slaughterhouse operator a written notice—

(a)stating that it proposes to cancel the registration of the slaughterhouse because it is not satisfied that the conditions set out in the Schedule are being complied with there;

(b)specifying the conditions in relation to which the Board is not satisfied, the action the slaughterhouse operator is required to take to comply with them, and a reasonable time of at least two weeks within which the slaughterhouse operator must take such action; and

(c)stating that, if it is not satisfied, at the expiry of that reasonable time, that the required action has been taken, the registration of the slaughterhouse will be cancelled.

Cancellation of registration

16.  The Board may, in accordance with the procedure in regulation 17, cancel the registration of a slaughterhouse—

(a)if the Board has served a written notice on the slaughterhouse operator pursuant to regulation 15 and is still not satisfied, at the expiry of the reasonable time referred to in regulation 15(b), that the conditions specified in the notice are being complied with; or

(b)if the slaughterhouse operator, or any officer, employee, servant or agent of the slaughterhouse operator, is convicted of an offence in relation to any claim.

Cancellation procedure

17.—(1) The Board shall cancel the registration of a slaughterhouse by serving a notice of cancellation pursuant to paragraph (2) and deleting the slaughterhouse from the list maintained by the Board under regulation 14.

(2) A notice of cancellation under paragraph (1) shall be served on the slaughterhouse operator and shall state that—

(a)the registration of the slaughterhouse for the slaughter of premium animals has been cancelled, and

(b)no slaughter premium will be granted on the slaughter of any bovine animal slaughtered at the slaughterhouse unless and until such time as the slaughterhouse is registered again.

Display of notice of cancellation

18.  Where the registration of a slaughterhouse has been cancelled pursuant to regulation 16, the slaughterhouse operator shall permit an authorised person to affix a copy of the notice of cancellation there in a conspicuous position easily visible to all persons delivering animals to the slaughterhouse and shall maintain it in that position in a clearly legible condition until the expiry of one year from the date of cancellation or until the slaughterhouse is registered again, whichever shall be the sooner.

Registration following cancellation

19.—(1) If the registration of a slaughterhouse has been cancelled pursuant to regulation 16, the Board shall not register it again unless the Board is satisfied that the conditions set out in Part I and, if the slaughterhouse operator is applying to register the slaughterhouse for the slaughter of premium calves, Part II, of the Schedule will be complied with there.

(2) Subject in any case to paragraph (1), if the registration of a slaughterhouse has been cancelled pursuant to regulation 16(b), the Board may refuse to register it again until the expiry of such period, not exceeding six months from the date of cancellation, as the Board considers reasonable in the circumstances of the case.