The Young Offender Institution Rules 2000

  1. Introductory Text

  2. PART I Preliminary

    1. 1. Citation and commencement

    2. 2. Interpretation

  3. PART II Inmates

    1. General

      1. 3. Aims and general principles of young offender institutions

      2. 4. Classification of inmates

    2. Release

      1. 5. Temporary release

    3. Conditions

      1. 6. Privileges

      2. 7. Information to inmates

      3. 8. Requests and complaints

      4. 9. Communications generally

      5. 10. Personal letters and visits

      6. 11. Interception of communications

      7. 12. Permanent log of communications

      8. 13. Disclosure of material

      9. 14. Retention of material

      10. 15. Police interviews

      11. 16. Legal advisers

      12. 17. Correspondence with legal advisers and courts

      13. 18. Securing release of defaulters

      14. 19. Clothing

      15. 20. Food

      16. 21. Alcohol and tobacco

      17. 22. Sleeping accommodation

      18. 23. Beds and bedding

      19. 24. Hygiene

      20. 25. Female inmates

      21. 26. Library books

    4. Medical Attention

      1. 27. Medical attendance

      2. 28. Special illnesses and conditions

      3. 29. Notification of illness or death

    5. Religion

      1. 30. Religious denomination

      2. 31. Special duties of chaplains and appointed ministers

      3. 32. Regular visits by ministers of religion, etc

      4. 33. Religious services

      5. 34. Substitute for chaplain or appointed minister

      6. 35. Sunday work

      7. 36. Religious books

    6. Occupation and Links with the Community

      1. 37. Regime activities

      2. 38. Education

      3. 39. Training courses

      4. 40. Work

      5. 41. Physical education

      6. 42. Outside contacts

      7. 43. After-care

    7. Discipline and Control

      1. 44. Maintenance of order and discipline

      2. 45. Custody outside a young offender institution

      3. 46. Search

      4. 47. Record and photograph

      5. 48. Inmates’ property

      6. 49. Removal from association

      7. 50. Use of force

      8. 51. Temporary confinement

      9. 52. Restraints

      10. 53. Compulsory Testing for controlled drugs

      11. 54. Supervision of inmates by means of an overt closed circuit television system

      12. 55. Offences against discipline

      13. 56. Defences to rule 55(10)

      14. 57. Interpretation of rule 55

      15. 58. Disciplinary charges

      16. 59. Rights of inmates charged

      17. 60. Governor’s punishments

      18. 61. Confinement to a cell or room

      19. 62. Removal from wing or living unit

      20. 63. Suspended punishments

      21. 64. Remission and mitigation of punishments and quashing of findings of guilt

      22. 65. Adult female inmates: disciplinary punishments

      23. 66. Forfeiture of remission to be treated as an award of additional days

  4. PART III Officers of Young Offender Institutions

    1. 67. General duty of officers

    2. 68. Gratuities forbidden

    3. 69. Search of officers

    4. 70. Transactions with inmates

    5. 71. Contact with former inmates, etc

    6. 72. Communications to the press, etc

    7. 73. Code of discipline

  5. PART IV Persons Having Access to a Young Offender Institution

    1. 74. Prohibited articles

    2. 75. Control of persons and vehicles

    3. 76. Viewing of young offender institutions

    4. 77. Visitors

  6. PART V Boards of Visitors

    1. 78. Disqualification for membership

    2. 79. Appointment

    3. 80. Proceedings of boards

    4. 81. General duties of boards

    5. 82. Particular duties

    6. 83. Members visiting young offender institutions

    7. 84. Annual report

  7. PART VI Supplemental

    1. 85. Delegation by governor

    2. 86. Contracted out young offender institutions

    3. 87. Contracted out parts of young offender institutions

    4. 88. Contracted out functions at directly managed young offender institutions

    5. 89. Revocations and savings

  8. Signature



  9. Explanatory Note