PART VE+W [Independent monitoring board]
Disqualification for membershipE+W
78. Any person directly or indirectly interested in any contract for the supply of goods or services to a young offender institution shall not be a member of the [independent monitoring board] for that institution and any member who becomes so interested in such a contract shall vacate office as a member.
79.—(1) A member of the [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution appointed by the Secretary of State under section 6(2) of the Prison Act 1952 shall subject to paragraphs (3) and (4) hold office for three years or such shorter period as the Secretary of State may appoint.
(2) A member—
(a)appointed for the first time to the [independent monitoring board] for a particular young offender institution; or
(b)re-appointed to the board following a gap of a year or more in his membership of it,
shall, during the period of 12 months following the date on which he is so appointed or (as the case may be) re-appointed, undertake such training as may reasonably be required by the Secretary of State.
(3) The Secretary of State may terminate the appointment of a member if satisfied that—
(a)he has failed satisfactorily to perform his duties;
(b)he has failed to undertake training he has been required to undertake under paragraph (2), by the end of the period specified in that paragraph;
(c)he is by reason of physical or mental illness, or for any other reason, incapable of carrying out his duties;
(d)he has been convicted of such a criminal offence, or his conduct has been such, that it is not in the Secretary of State’s opinion fitting that he should remain a member; or
(e)there is, or appears to be, or could appear to be, any conflict of interest between the member performing his duties as a member and any interest of that member, whether personal, financial or otherwise.
(4) Where the Secretary of State:
(a)has reason to suspect that a member of the [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution may have so conducted himself that his appointment may be liable to be terminated under paragraph (3)(a) or (d); and
(b)is of the opinion that the suspected conduct is of such a serious nature that the member cannot be permitted to continue to perform his functions as a member of the board pending the completion of the Secretary of State’s investigations into the matter and any decision as to whether the member’s appointment should be terminated,
he may suspend the member from office for such period or periods as he may reasonably require in order to complete his investigations and determine whether or not the appointment of the member should be so terminated; and a member so suspended shall not, during the period of the suspension, be regarded as being a member of the board, other than for the purposes of this paragraph and paragraphs (1) and (2).
(5) A board shall have a chairman and a vice chairman, who shall be members of the board.
(6) The Secretary of State shall—
(a)upon the constitution of a board for the first time, appoint a chairman and a vice chairman to hold office for a period not exceeding 12 months;
(b)thereafter appoint, before the date of the first meeting of the board in any year of office of the board, a chairman and a vice chairman for that year, having first consulted the board; and
(c)promptly fill, after having first consulted the board, any casual vacancy in the office of chairman or vice chairman.
(7) The Secretary of State may terminate the appointment of a member as chairman or vice chairman of the board if he is satisfied that the member has—
(a)failed satisfactorily to perform his functions as chairman or (as the case may be) vice-chairman; or
(b)has grossly misconducted himself whilst performing those functions.
Proceedings of boardsE+W
80.—(1) The [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution shall meet at the institution at least once a month.
(2) The board may fix a quorum of not fewer than three members for proceedings.
(3) The board shall keep minutes of their proceedings.
(4) The proceedings of the board shall not be invalidated by any vacancy in the membership or any defect in the appointment of a member.
General duties of boardsE+W
81.—(1) The [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution shall satisfy themselves as to the state of the premises, the administration of the institution and the treatment of the inmates.
(2) The board shall inquire into and report upon any matter into which the Secretary of State asks them to inquire.
(3) The board shall direct the attention of the governor to any matter which calls for his attention, and shall report to the Secretary of State any matters which they consider it expedient to report.
(4) The board shall inform the Secretary of State immediately of any abuse which comes to their knowledge.
(5) Before exercising any power under these Rules, the board and any member of the board shall consult the governor in relation to any matter which may affect discipline.
Particular dutiesE+W
82.—(1) The [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution and any member of the board shall hear any complaint or request which an inmate wishes to make to them or him.
(2) The board shall arrange for the food of the inmates to be inspected by a member of the board at frequent intervals.
(3) The board shall inquire into any report made to them, whether or not by a member of the board, that an inmate’s health, mental or physical, is likely to be injuriously affected by any conditions of his detention.
Members visiting young offender institutionsE+W
83.—(1) The members of the [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution shall visit the institution frequently, and the board shall arrange a rota for the purpose.
(2) A member of the board shall have access at any time to every part of the institution and to every inmate, and he may interview any inmate out of the sight and hearing of officers.
[(3) A member of the board shall have access to the records of the young offender institution, except that members of the board shall not have access to any records held for the purposes of or relating to conduct authorised in accordance with Part 2 of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000.]
Annual reportE+W
84.—(1) The [independent monitoring board] for a young offender institution shall, in accordance with paragraphs (2) and (3), from time to time make a report to the Secretary of State concerning the state of the institution and its administration, including in it any advice and suggestions they consider appropriate.
(2) The board shall comply with any directions given to them from time to time by the Secretary of State as to the following matters—
(a)the period to be covered by a report under paragraph (1);
(b)the frequency with which such a report is to be made; and
(c)the length of time from the end of the period covered by such a report within which it is to be made,
either in respect of a particular report or generally; provided that no directions may be issued under this paragraph if they would have the effect of requiring a board to make or deliver a report less frequently than once in every 12 months.
(3) Subject to any directions given to them under paragraph (2), the board shall, under paragraph (1), make an annual report to the Secretary of State as soon as reasonably possible after 31st December each year, which shall cover the period of 12 months ending on that date or, in the case of a board constituted for the first time during that period, such part of that period during which the board has been in existence.