Statutory Instruments

2000 No. 3376 (C.114)


The Transport Act 2000 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2000


18th December 2000


1.  This Order may be cited as the Transport Act 2000 (Commencement No. 2) Order 2000.

Provisions coming into force on 15th January 2001

2.  The following provisions of the Transport Act 2000 shall come into force on 15th January 2001—

Signed by authority of the Secretary of State for the Environment, Transport and the Regions

Keith Hill

Parliamentary Under Secretary of State

Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions

18th December 2000

Explanatory Note

(This note is not part of the Order)

This Order brings into force on 1st January 2001 certain provisions in Part IV of the Transport Act 2000 (Railways) dealing with the establishment of the Strategic Rail Authority and the winding down of the British Railways Board.

Sections 201 to 210 and 222 of the Transport Act 2000 (“the Act”) will establish the Strategic Rail Authority as a body corporate.

Sections 241 and 250 of the Act and the associated amendments and repeals in Schedules 27 and 31 to the Act will enable the British Railways Board to form companies and make transfer schemes under Part II of the Railways Act 1993, in order to facilitate the transfer of its property, rights and liabilities to the Strategic Rail Authority. The repeal of section 7(10) of the Railways Act 1993 will enable the Secretary of State to grant exemptions from the requirement to be authorised by licence to be the operator of certain railway assets.

Note as to Earlier Commencement Orders

(This note is not part of the Order)

The following provisions of the Transport Act 2000 have been brought into force, as respects England, by commencement order made before the date of this Order—

ProvisionDate of CommencementS.I. No
Section 1451st January 2001 (in part), 1st February 2001 (in part) and 1st June 2001 (remainder)2000/3229
Section 1461st January 2001 (in part), 1st February 2001 (in part) and 1st June 2001 (remainder)2000/3229
Section 147 and 1481st June 20012000/3229
Section 1491st January 2001 (in part), 1st June 2001 (remainder)2000/3229
Section 1501st January 20012000/3229
Section 1511st April 20012000/3229
Section 162 (in part)1st January 2001, 1st February 2001 and 1st June 20012000/3229
Schedule 11, paragraphs 15 to 191st June 20012000/3229
Schedule 11, paragraph 231st April 20012000/3229
Schedule 31 (Part II) (in part)1st 2001 April and 1st June 20012000/3229