1. In rule 1 (timetable), in the entry relating to polling, for “8 in the morning” there shall be substituted “7 in the morning”.
2. In rule 23 (equipment of polling stations)—
(a)in paragraph (1A)(1) for “The same”, there shall be substituted “Subject to paragraph (1B), the same”;
(b)after paragraph (1A) there shall be inserted—
“(1B) Where the poll at a principal area election is taken together with the poll at a GLA election, a separate ballot box shall be used for the principal area election.”;
(c)the paragraph substituted by paragraph 6 of Schedule 4 shall be re-numbered “(5A)”; and
(d)after that paragraph there shall be added—
“(5B) Where the poll at a principal area election is taken together with the poll at any GLA election, in every compartment of every polling station there shall be exhibited the notice—
*On the ballot paper for the election of a constituency member vote ONCE only.
*On the ballot paper for the election of a London member vote ONCE only.
*On the ballot paper for the election of the Mayor, vote ONCE for your first choice and ONCE for your second choice.”.
*include or omit, as appropriate”
3. In rule 39 (the count), in paragraph (1) (as substituted by paragraph 18 of Schedule 4), for the words from the beginning to the end of sub-paragraph (g) there shall be substituted—
“(1) Where the CRO discharges the functions specified in regulation 98 (functions at combined polls) of the Representation of the People Regulations 1986, he shall—
(a)in the presence of the counting agents appointed for the purposes of the GLA election open each ballot box;
(b)separate the ballot papers relating to the GLA election from the ballot papers relating to the principal area election;
(c)in the presence of the election agents appointed for the purposes of the GLA election verify each ballot paper account relating to that election;
(d)count such of the postal ballot papers as have been duly returned at the GLA election and record the number counted at that election;
(e)make up into packets the ballot papers relating to the principal area election (including any postal ballot papers that have been duly returned) and seal them in separate containers endorsing on each a description of the polling station to which the ballot papers relate;
(f)deliver or cause to be delivered to the returning officer at the principal area election—
(i)the containers referred to in sub-paragraph (d), together with a list of them and the contents of each; and
(ii)the ballot paper account relating to the principal area election; and”.
4. In the Appendix of forms—
(a)in the form substituted by paragraph 21(1)(a) of Schedule 4 to the Local Elections (Principal Areas) Rules 1986 (set out in paragraph 21(2) of that Schedule)—
(i)for “Ballot Paper Nos”, substitute “Ballot Paper No(s)”; and
(ii)in paragraph 2 of the section entitled “INSTRUCTIONS TO THE VOTER”, for the words from the beginning to the end of the bracket, substitute “*[At the ... ... ... ...election vote for one candidate only.] At the ... ... ... ...election vote for no more than ... ... ... ...candidates.] [At the Mayoral election, vote once for your first choice and once for your second choice.]”;
(b)for paragraphs 2 and 3 of the section entitled “INSTRUCTIONS TO THE VOTER” in the form substituted by paragraph 21(1)(b) of Schedule 4 to the Local Elections (Principal Areas) Rules 1986 (set out in paragraph 21(3) of that Schedule), substitute—
“2. When you are voting in the constituency members election ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross (X) to the right of the name of the candidate of your choice. Vote for one candidate only.
2A. When you are voting in the London members election ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross (X) to the right of the name of the party or candidate of your choice. Vote for one candidate only.
2B. When you are voting in the Mayoral election ([insert colour of ballot paper] ballot paper), mark a cross (X) to the right of the names of the candidates of your choice. You may vote for two candidates.
3. Mark all your votes secretly. If you cannot vote without assistance, the person assisting you must not disclose how your have voted.”.
5. In the Appendix of forms, in the form of official poll card and the form of a proxy’s official poll card, for the words substituted by paragraph 22 of Schedule 4, there shall be substituted “7 a.m. to 9 p.m.”.
See paragraph 5 of Schedule 4 to the 1986 Rules.