  1. Introductory Text


    1. 1.Citation and commencement

    2. 2.Interpretation


    1. 3.Financial eligibility

    2. 4.(1) Subject to regulation 3, the assessing authority to which...

    3. 5.(1) This regulation has effect subject to regulations 3 and...

    4. 6.Assessment of resources

    5. 7.(1) The assessing authority shall: (a) subject to regulation 4(2),...

    6. 8.The supplier shall not provide any funded services to the...

    7. 9.Where the assessing authority is the supplier, any question arising...

    8. 10.Application in representative, fiduciary or official capacity

    9. 11.Resources of other persons

    10. 12.Deprivation or conversion of resources

    11. 13.Duty to report change in financial circumstances

    12. 14.Amendment of assessment due to error or receipt of new information

    13. 15.Further assessments

    14. 16.Calculation of income

    15. 17.(1) The income from a trade, business or gainful occupation...

    16. 18.(1) For the purposes of this regulation, “national insurance contributions”...

    17. 19.In calculating the disposable income of the person concerned, the...

    18. 20.(1) For the purposes of this regulation, “the Schedule” means...

    19. 21.Where the person concerned is making and, thoughout such period...

    20. 22.Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(6), in calculating...

    21. 23.(1) This regulation applies only where eligibility is being assessed...

    22. 24.(1) This regulation applies only where eligibility is being assessed...

    23. 25.Calculation of capital

    24. 26.Subject to the provisions of these Regulations, in calculating the...

    25. 27.In so far as any resource of a capital nature...

    26. 28.Where money is due to the person concerned, whether it...

    27. 29.The value to the person concerned of any life insurance...

    28. 30.Other than in circumstances which are exceptional having regard in...

    29. 31.(1) Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(6), paragraphs...

    30. 32.(1) In calculating the disposable capital of the person concerned,...

    31. 33.In calculating the disposable capital of the person concerned, there...

    32. 34.Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(2), (3), or...

    33. 35.(1) Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(6), the...

    34. 36.Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(6), and under...

    35. 37.Where eligibility is being assessed under regulation 5(6), in calculating...

    36. 38.Contributions

    37. 39.Where more than one certificate is in force in respect...

    38. 40.(1) Where a certificate has been discharged or revoked and...

    39. 41.Where the Commission has revoked a certificate in accordance with...


    1. 42.Calculation of the statutory charge

    2. 43.(1) Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), where any money...

    3. 44.Exemptions from the statutory charge

    4. 45.(1) Subject to paragraph (2), the statutory charge shall be...

    5. 46.Supplier’s authority to waive statutory charge

    6. 47.Waiver of charge in case of wider public interest

    7. 48.Application of regulations 49 to 53

    8. 49.Operation of statutory charge where certificate revoked or discharged

    9. 50.Operation of statutory charge on money in court

    10. 51.Enforcement of statutory charge

    11. 52.(1) The Commission may postpone the enforcement of the statutory...

    12. 53.Payment and recovery of interest

  5. Signature

  6. Explanatory Note