Exercise of functions by local authorities9


Subject to the following provisions of this regulation, the partners may enter into arrangements for the exercise by local authorities of NHS functions in conjunction with the exercise by such authorities of their health-related functions.


A partner which is an NHS trust may not enter into arrangements under paragraph (1) unless it obtains the consent of each Health Authority with which the trust has an NHS contract for the provision of services for persons in respect of whom the functions which are the subject of the arrangements may be exercised.


Where the partners have decided to enter into arrangements under paragraph (1) the agreement must be in writing and must specify—


the agreed aims and outcomes of the arrangements;


the payments to be made by the NHS bodies to the local authorities and how those payments may be varied;


the NHS functions and the health-related functions the exercise of which are the subject of the arrangements;


the persons in respect of whom and the kinds of services in respect of which the functions referred to in sub-paragraph (c) may be exercised;


the staff, goods, services or accommodation to be provided by the partners in connection with the arrangements;


the duration of the arrangements and provision for the review or variation or termination of the arrangements; and


the arrangements in place for monitoring the exercise by the local authorities of the functions referred to in sub-paragraph (c).


The local authorities shall report to the NHS bodies, both quarterly and annually, on the exercise of the NHS functions which are the subject of the arrangements.