Proceedings of Meetings
14.—(1) Every question to be decided at a meeting of the Corporation shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the members present and voting on the question. Where there is an equal division of votes the chair of the meeting shall have a second or casting vote.
(2) A member may not vote by proxy or by way of postal vote.
(3) No resolution of the members may be rescinded or varied at a subsequent meeting unless consideration of the rescission or variation is a specific item of business on the agenda for that meeting.
(4) Except as provided by Articles 12 and 13 of the Articles of Government (relating to appeals and representations about staff discipline and dismissal), a member of the Corporation who is a member of staff of the institution (including the Principal) shall withdraw—
(a)from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation at which staff matters relating solely to that member of the staff (as distinct from staff matters relating to all members of staff, or all members of staff in a particular class) are to be considered;
(b)from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation at which his reappointment or the appointment of his successor is to be considered; and
(c)if so required by a resolution of the other members present, from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any of committee of the Corporation at which staff matters relating to any member of staff holding a post senior to his own are to be considered.
(5) A principal who has chosen not to be a member of the Corporation shall still be entitled to attend and speak at all meetings of the Corporation and any committee of the Corporation, except that he shall withdraw in any case where he would be required to withdraw under paragraph (4) if he were attending as a member.
(6) A student member who is under the age of 18 shall not vote (whether at a meeting of the Corporation or at a meeting of any committee of the Corporation) on any question concerning any proposal—
(a)for the expenditure of money by the Corporation; or
(b)under which the Corporation, or any members of the Corporation, would enter into any contract, or would incur any debt or liability (whether immediate, contingent or otherwise).
(7) Except as provided by rules made under article 16(2) of the Articles of Government relating to appeals and representations by students in disciplinary cases, a student member shall withdraw from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation at which his conduct, suspension or expulsion is to be considered.
(8) In any case where the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation is to discuss staff matters relating to a member or prospective member of the staff of the institution, a student member shall—
(a)take no part in the consideration or discussion of the matter in question and not vote on any question with respect to that matter; and
(b)where required to do so by a majority of the members, other than student members, of the Corporation or committee present at the meeting, withdraw from the meeting.
(9) The Clerk to the Corporation—
(a)shall withdraw from that part of any meeting of the Corporation or any committee of the Corporation at which his remuneration, conditions of service, conduct, suspension, dismissal or retirement in his capacity as clerk are to be considered; and
(b)if he is a member of the staff of the institution, shall withdraw in any case where he would be required to withdraw under paragraph (4) if he were attending as a member of the Corporation.
(10) If the Clerk to the Corporation withdraws from a meeting or part of it under paragraph (9)—
(a)the Corporation shall appoint from their number a person to act as Clerk to the Corporation; or (as the case may be)
(b)the committee in question shall appoint from their number a person to act as Clerk to the committee,
for the duration of such a meeting or part of a meeting.
(11) In this clause “staff matters” means the remuneration, conditions of service, promotion, conduct, suspension, dismissal or retirement of staff.