The Air Navigation (Overseas Territories) Order 2001

Charges at aerodromes licensed for public use

106.—(1) The Governor may, in relation to any aerodrome in respect of which a licence for public use has been granted, or to such aerodromes generally or to any class thereof, prescribe the charges, or the maximum charges, which may be made for the use of the aerodrome and for any services performed at the aerodrome to or in connection with aircraft, and may further prescribe the conditions to be observed in relation to those charges and the performance of those services.

(2) The licensee of an aerodrome in relation to which the Governor has made any regulations under paragraph (1) of this article shall not cause or permit any charges to be made in contravention of those regulations and shall cause particulars of the prescribed charges to be kept exhibited at the aerodrome in such a place and manner as to be readily available for the information of any person affected thereby.

(3) The licensee of any aerodrome in respect of which a licence for public use has been granted shall, when required by the Governor, furnish to the Governor such particulars as he may require of the charges established by the licensee for the use of the aerodrome or of any facilities provided at the aerodrome for the safety, efficiency or regularity of air navigation.