The Local Authorities (Executive and Alternative Arrangements) (Modification of Enactments and Other Provisions) (England) Order 2001

  1. Introductory Text

  2. 1.Citation, commencement, application and interpretation

  3. 2.Modification of Acts

  4. 3.Restriction on promotion of Bills for changing local government areas, etc.

  5. 4.Qualifications for election and holding office as elected mayor

  6. 5.Disqualifications for election and holding office as elected mayor

  7. 6.Validity of acts done by unqualified persons

  8. 7.Vacation of office by failure to attend meetings

  9. 8.Members of local authorities not to be appointed as officers

  10. 9.General provisions as to interpretation

  11. 10.Consideration of adverse reports

  12. 11.Evidence of resolutions and minutes of proceedings etc.

  13. 12.Disqualification

  14. 13.Disabilities of directors of public transport companies

  15. 14.Working standards and testing and stamping equipment

  16. 15.Local authority publicity

  17. 16.Disabilities of directors of public airport companies

  18. 17.Authorisation of pilots

  19. 18.Public supply or works contracts

  20. 19.Financial administration—interpretation

  21. 20.Functions of responsible officer as regards reports

  22. 21.Duties of executive as regards reports

  23. 22.Politically restricted posts

  24. 23.Designation and reports of monitoring officer

  25. 24.Assistants for political groups

  26. 25.Interpretation of Part I of the 1989 Act

  27. 26.Companies in which local authorities have interests

  28. 27.Performance of sewerage undertaker’s functions by local authorities etc.

  29. 28.Council tax and community charges: restrictions on voting

  30. 29.Functions of local authorities

  31. 30.Right to time off for public duties

  32. 31.Statements privileged subject to explanation or contradiction

  33. 32.Pupil referral units

  34. 33.Disqualification in certain cases of justices who are members of local authorities

  35. 34.Transfer or delegation of functions relating to student support

  36. 35.Disqualification from being the Mayor or an Assembly member

  37. 36.Delegation

  38. 37.Delegation of Authority’s functions

  39. 38.Power to order parent or guardian to pay fine, costs or compensation

  40. 39.Adoption panels

  41. 40.Independent visitors

  42. 41.Applications to court

  43. 42.Information from public bodies

  44. 43.Special educational needs—approval of independent schools

  45. 44.NHS bodies and local authorities partnership arrangements

  46. 45.Disability of members of authorities for voting on account of prejudicial interests

  47. 46.Members of the executive

  48. 47.Mayor and cabinet executives

  49. Signature

  50. Explanatory Note