SCHEDULEElements of Crimes

Article 8(2)(b)(xxii)–6War crime of sexual violence



The perpetrator committed an act of a sexual nature against one or more persons or caused such person or persons to engage in an act of a sexual nature by force, or by threat of force or coercion, such as that caused by fear of violence, duress, detention, psychological oppression or abuse of power, against such person or persons or another person, or by taking advantage of a coercive environment or such person’s or persons' incapacity to give genuine consent.


The conduct was of a gravity comparable to that of a grave breach of the Geneva Conventions.


The perpetrator was aware of the factual circumstances that established the gravity of the conduct.


The conduct took place in the context of and was associated with an international armed conflict.


The perpetrator was aware of factual circumstances that established the existence of an armed conflict.