Education (Grants) (Music, Ballet and Choir Schools) (England) Regulations 2001

Travel grant—weekly boarding pupils

22.—(1) This paragraph applies in the case of an aided pupil who is a weekly boarder at a school.

(2) Subject to sub-paragraph (3), where an aided pupil’s walking distance between home and school exceeds 4.8 kilometres, the school shall, in respect of each school year, pay travel grant to the parents of the pupil in relation to school travel expenditure reasonably incurred in respect of journeys made by the pupil between home and school in that year.

(3) In calculating the school travel expenditure—

(a)where a pupil’s expenses are in respect of journeys in excess of 80 kilometres each way by such transport as is mentioned in paragraph 19, the school shall take into account only the following proportion of the expenses, that is the proportion that 80 kilometres bears to the length in kilometres of the journey in question; and

(b)where a pupil’s expenses are in respect of journeys by public transport and exceed the expenses that would have been incurred if advantage had been taken of available arrangements for season tickets or reduced or concessionary fares, the excess shall be disregarded.