Regulation 4


GCSE and GNVQ Awarding Bodies

  • Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

  • Edexcel Foundation

  • Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment

  • Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations

  • Welsh Joint Education Committee


NVQ Awarding Bodies

  • Association of Accounting Technicians

  • Association of Industrial Truck Trainers

  • Association of Industrial Truck Trainers Vocational Qualifications Ltd

  • Automotive Management and Development Limited

  • Awarding Body for the Built Environment

  • The British Horse Society

  • British Horseracing Training Board

  • British Polymer Training Association

  • CABWI Awarding Body

  • The Chartered Institute of Bankers

  • City and Guilds of London Institute

  • Construction Industry Training Board

  • Construction Project Management Group

  • Council for Awards in Children’s Care and Education

  • Distributive Occupational Standards Council

  • Edexcel Foundation

  • EMTA Awards Limited

  • Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

  • Engineering Training Council (Northern Ireland)

  • Extractive and Mineral Processing Industry Consortium

  • Fibreboard Awarding Body

  • Fire Services Awarding Body

  • Glass Qualifications Authority

  • Hospitality Awarding Body

  • The Improvement and Development Agency

  • The Institute of Management Foundation

  • The Institute of the Motor Industry

  • Institute of Personnel and Development

  • Institute for Supervision and Management

  • Intelect Limited

  • Joint Examining Board

  • Joint Industry Board for the Electrical Contracting Industry

  • Leather Producing Industry Vocational Qualifications Board

  • London Chamber of Commerce & Industry Examinations Board

  • Meat Training Council

  • The National Examining Board for Supervision and Management

  • National Fencing Training Authority

  • National Proficiency Tests Council

  • The Open University

  • Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations

  • The Pensions Management Institute

  • Pitman Qualifications

  • Process Awards Authority

  • Qualifications for Industry Ltd

  • The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

  • Security Industry Training Organisation/Parking Committee for London

  • Steel Industry Qualifications Board

  • Vocational Qualifications in Science, Engineering & Technology

  • Vocational Training Charitable Trust


Entry Level Qualification Awarding Bodies

  • Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

  • Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network

  • Birmingham Comenius Centre and Birmingham Local Education Authority

  • Edexcel Foundation

  • Languages Development Centre (S Martin’s College)

  • National Proficiency Tests Council

  • Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations

  • Salford Diocese Religious Education Centre

  • The Christian Theology Trust

  • Welsh Joint Education Committee


National Qualifications in Scotland Awarding Body

  • SQA


SVQ Awarding Bodies

  • Association of Accounting Technicians

  • Automotive Management and Development Limited

  • The British Horse Society

  • British Polymer Training Association

  • Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development

  • City and Guilds of London Institute

  • Electricity Training Association

  • EMTA Awards Ltd

  • Engineering Construction Industry Training Board

  • EPIC

  • Glass Qualifications Authority

  • Institute of Management

  • The Institute of the Motor Industry

  • Institute for Supervision and Management

  • Lantra Awards (NTFA)

  • Leather Producing Industry Vocational Qualifications Board

  • The National Examining Board for Supervision and Management

  • National Proficiency Tests Council

  • The Pensions Management Institute

  • Qualifications for Industry Ltd

  • The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons

  • Scottish Association of Master Bakers

  • SQA

  • Skillset

  • The Open University

  • TWI Certification Ltd

  • Vocational Qualifications in Science, Engineering & Technology

  • Vocational Training Charitable Trust


Key Skills Awarding Bodies

  • Assessment and Qualifications Alliance

  • Award Scheme Development and Accreditation Network

  • British Horseracing Training Board

  • City and Guilds of London Institute

  • Council for Awards in Children’s Care and Education

  • Edexcel Foundation

  • EMTA Awards Limited

  • ETC Awards Ltd

  • Hospitality Awarding Body

  • The Institute of the Motor Industry

  • London Chamber of Commerce & Industry Examinations Board

  • NCFE

  • Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examinations and Assessment

  • Oxford, Cambridge and RSA Examinations

  • Pitman Qualifications

  • Qualifications for Industry Ltd

  • Vocational Training Charitable Trust

  • Welsh Joint Education Committee