

The Advisory Group shall meet at least four times a year.


The Secretary of State shall appoint a secretary to the Advisory Group whose duties shall include the taking of minutes at the formal meetings of the Advisory Group.


The secretary to the Advisory Group shall be in attendance at all the formally constituted meetings of the Advisory Group.


In the event that the secretary to the Advisory Group is unable to attend any meeting of the Advisory Group the chairman of the Advisory Group shall nominate another person to act as the secretary to that Group.


Where members of the Advisory Group hold differing views on any matter which falls for a decision a majority vote shall be decisive.


The outcome of a vote on matters where the members of the Advisory Group hold differing views shall be formally recorded as votes for a particular view, decision or recommendation and votes against a particular view, decision or recommendation.


The quorum for the meetings of the Advisory Group shall be at least half the membership of the Advisory Group.


The proceedings of the formal meetings of the Advisory Group including minutes and any recommendations of the Advisory Group to the Secretary of State and the attendance list at the formal meetings of that Group shall be publicly available.