The Railtrack (Shortlands Junction) Order 2001

Temporary widening of carriageways

11.—(1) Railtrack may, for the purpose of providing an improved access to the working site, temporarily increase the width of the carriageways of the relevant streets by incorporating within those carriageways so much of the footways of the relevant streets and of Bromley Road as lies within the limits marked “Limit of temporary widening of access” on the deposited plans.

(2) On giving up possession of the working site Railtrack shall restore the footways referred to in paragraph (1) above to the reasonable satisfaction of the street authority.

(3) For the duration of a period commencing with the completion of the widening of the carriageways of the relevant streets in accordance with paragraph (1) above and terminating on the restoration of the footways of those streets in accordance with paragraph (2) above, the relevant streets, as so widened, shall be maintained by and at the expense of Railtrack.

(4) In this article—

“the relevant streets” means the streets shown numbered 19 and 20 on the deposited plans; and

“the working site” means so much of the land shown numbered 18b on the deposited plans as is occupied under article 16 below.