Pending applications

4.—(1) A pending application is to be assessed and determined after commencement by the scheme manager in accordance with the relevant former scheme as modified by rules made by the Authority under paragraph (3), even if that former scheme has otherwise ceased to exist.

(2) Where the scheme manager exercises functions under paragraph (1) in relation to a pending application of the kind referred to in article 3(1)(a), the acts and omissions of the former manager before commencement in connection with the application are, for the purpose of the assessment and determination of the application by the scheme manager, deemed to be the acts and omissions of the scheme manager.

(3) The Authority must by rules make such modifications to investment business compensation schemes as it considers are required to enable pending applications to be made, received, assessed and determined by the scheme manager in accordance with this Order.

(4) The Authority may make rules enabling the scheme manager, in respect of pending application made under the PIA indemnity scheme or the ABI scheme, to require, as a condition of making any payment of compensation, the assignment by the applicant for compensation to the scheme manager of such rights of the applicant in connection with his claim against the relevant defaulter as the scheme manager may determine.