The Electricity (Class Exemptions from the Requirement for a Licence) Order 2001

Class C: On-site supplyE+W+S

Persons (other than licensed suppliers) who—

(1) do not supply any electricity except—

(a)electricity which they generate themselves; or

(b)electricity which they generate themselves together with electricity which is supplied to them by a licensed supplier; and

(2) provide the output of each generating station at which they generate electricity only to—

(a)one consumer who—

(i)occupies premises which are on the same site as the premises where the generating station is situated; and

(ii)consumes all the electricity provided to him by the supplier in question at those premises other than any of that electricity supplied by that consumer in circumstances such that he falls within Class B in this Schedule;

(in this Class referred to as a “single consumer”) or

(b)two or more consumers who form a qualifying group each of whom—

(i)occupies premises which are on the same site as the premises where the generating station is situated; and

(ii)consumes all the electricity provided to him by the supplier in question at those premises other than any of that electricity supplied by that consumer in circumstances such that he falls within Class B in this Schedule;

(in this Class referred to as an “on-site qualifying group”) or

(c)one or more consumers who—

(i)each occupy premises which are—

(aa)on the same site as the premises where the generating station is situated; or

(bb)not on the same site but which receive the electricity supply from that generating station over private wires; and

(ii)each of whom consumes all the electricity provided to him by the supplier in question at those premises other than any of that electricity supplied by that consumer in circumstances such that he falls within Class B in this Schedule;

(each in this Class referred to as an “additional group consumer”)

where the total maximum amount of electrical power supplied to those additional group consumers at any time is 100 megawatts of which not more than one megawatt is supplied to domestic consumers; or

(d)one consumer who—

(i)receives at least a third of the output of that generating station at premises he occupies which are—

(aa)on the same site as the premises where the generating station is situated; or

(bb)not on the same site but which receive the electricity supply from that generating station over private wires; and

(ii)consumes all the electricity provided to him by the supplier in question at premises he occupies other than any of that electricity supplied by that consumer in circumstances such that he falls within Class B in this Schedule;

(in this Class referred to as a “remote consumer”) or

(e)two or more consumers who form a qualifying group—

(i)who between them receive at least a third of the output of that generating station at premises they occupy which are—

(aa)on the same site as the premises where the generating station is situated; or

(bb)not on the same site but which receive the electricity supply from that generating station over private wires; and

(ii)each of whom consumes all the electricity provided to him by the supplier in question at premises he occupies other than any of that electricity supplied by that consumer in circumstances such that he falls within Class B in this Schedule;

(in this Class referred to as a “remote qualifying group”) or

(f)additional group consumers within the 100 megawatt limit and one of the following—

(i)a single consumer;

(ii)an on-site qualifying group;

(iii)a remote consumer; or

(iv)a remote qualifying group; or


(i)a single consumer, or an on-site qualifying group, or additional group consumers within the 100 megawatt limit, or a remote consumer, or a remote qualifying group, or a mixed group of consumers of a type described in sub-paragraph (f) above; and

(ii)any other person in circumstances where the provision of the output of the generating station in question does not amount to the supply of electricity.