

In these Regulations:

  • “accoustic signal” means a coded sound signal which is released and transmitted by a device designed for that purpose, without the use of a human or artificial voice;

  • “the Act” means the Merchant Shipping Act 1995;

  • “contract of employment” means a contract of employment, whether express or implied, and if express, whether oral or in writing;

  • “dangerous goods” means goods classified as such in the IMDG Code, in Chapter 19 of the IGC Code or in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code;

  • “the Directive” means Council Directive 92/58/EECM1 on the minimum requirements for the provision of safety and/or health signs at work;

  • “employer” means a person by whom a worker is employed under a contract of employment;

  • “fire safety sign” means a sign (including an illuminated sign or an acoustic signal) which—

    1. a

      provides information on escape routes and emergency exits in case of fire;

    2. b

      provides information on the identification or location of fire-fighting equipment; or

    3. c

      gives warning in case of fire;

  • “General Duties Regulations” means the Merchant Shipping and Fishing Vessels (Health and Safety at Work) Regulations 1997 M2;

  • “hand signal” means a movement or position of the arms or hands or a combination thereof, in coded form, for guiding persons who are carrying out manoeuvres which create a risk to the health or safety of persons at work;

  • “health and safety” includes the occupational health and safety of persons whilst on board the ship and whilst boarding or leaving the ship;

  • “IBC Code” means the 1998 edition of the IMO International Code for Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk;

  • “IGC Code” means the 1993 edition of the IMO International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying Liquefied Gases in Bulk;

  • “illuminated sign” means a sign produced by a device made of transparent or translucent materials which are illuminated from the inside or the rear in such a way as to give the appearance of a luminous surface;

  • “IMDG Code” means the 2000 edition of the IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code;

  • “IMO” means the International Maritime Organization;

  • “in bulk” means directly and without intermediate form of containment in a hold, tank or cargo space which is a structural part of or permanently attached to a ship;

  • “mandatory sign” means a sign prescribing specific behaviour;

  • “MCA” means the Maritime and Coastguard Agency, an executive agency of the Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions;

  • “Merchant Shipping Notice” means a Notice described as such and issued by the Secretary of State;

  • “prohibition sign” means a sign prohibiting behaviour likely to cause a risk to health or safety;

  • “public service vessel” means any vessel operated by and on behalf of a public body while it is carrying out the authorised functions of that body;

  • “relevant inspector” means a person mentioned in paragraphs (a), (b) or (c) of section 258(1) of the Act;

  • “safety colour” means a colour to which a specific meaning is assigned in Annex 1 of the Directive;

  • “safety sign” means a sign referring to a specific object, activity or situation and providing information or instructions about health or safety at work by means of a signboard, a safety colour, an illuminated sign or acoustic signal, a verbal communication or a hand signal, as the case may be;

  • “sail training vessel” means a sailing vessel which is being used either:

    1. a

      to provide instruction in the principles of responsibility, resourcefulness, loyalty and team endeavour and to advance education in the art of seamanship; or

    2. b

      to provide instruction in navigation and seamanship for yachtsmen,

    and is operating under a statutory code;

  • “signboard” means a sign which provides information or instructions by a combination of geometric shape, colour and a symbol or pictogram and which is rendered visible by lighting of sufficient intensity;

  • “statutory code” means—

    • The Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Sailing Vessels M3;

    • The Code of Practice for the Safety of Large Commercial Sailing and Motor Vessels M4;

    • The Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Commercial Motor Vessels M5; or

    • The Code of Practice for the Safety of Small Vessels in Commercial Use for Sport or Pleasure Operating from a Nominated Departure Points M6;

  • “symbol or pictogram” means a figure which describes a situation or prescribes specific behaviour and which is used on a signboard or illuminated surface;

  • “trainees and apprentices” does not include persons who are training in a sail training vessel;

  • “United Kingdom ship” means a ship which—

    1. a

      is a United Kingdom ship within the meaning of section 85(2) of the Act;

    2. b

      is a Government ship within the meaning of section 308(4) of the Act; or

    3. c

      is a hovercraft registered under the Hovercraft Act 1968 M7;

  • “verbal communication” means a predetermined spoken message communicated by a human or artificial voice;

  • “warning sign” means a sign giving warning of a hazard or danger;

  • “worker” means any person employed by an employer under a contract of employment, including trainees or apprentices.


Any reference in these Regulations to a sign providing instructions includes a mandatory sign, a prohibition sign and a warning sign.


Any reference in these Regulations to the IBC Code, the IGC Code or the IMDG Code shall include a reference to any document amending that publication which is considered by the Secretary of State to be relevant from time to time and is specified in a Merchant Shipping Notice.