Requirement to be registered

5.—(1) A person who, on or after 1st June 2002, acts as a money service operator must be registered by the Commissioners.

(2) Paragraph (1) does not apply to a person who, immediately before 1st June 2002, is acting as a money service operator, provided he has before that date made an application to be registered which has not been determined.

(3) A person to whom this regulation applies must—

(a)make an application to be registered in such manner as the Commissioners may direct; and

(b)furnish the following information to the Commissioners, that is to say—

(i)the applicant’s name and (if different) the name of the business;

(ii)the applicant’s VAT registration number or, if he is not registered for VAT, any other reference number issued to him by the Commissioners;

(iii)the nature of the business;

(iv)the address of each of the premises at which the applicant carries on (or proposes to carry on) business;

(v)any agency or franchise agreement relating to the business, and the names and addresses of all relevant principals, agents, franchisors or franchisees;

(vi)the name of the relevant money laundering reporting officer (if any); and

(vii)whether any person concerned (or proposed to be concerned) in the management, control or operation of the business has been convicted of a money laundering offence or of money laundering within the meaning of regulation 2(3) of the 1993 Regulations.

(4) At any time after receiving an application to be registered and before determining it, the Commissioners may require the applicant to furnish them, within 21 days beginning with the date of being requested to do so, with such further information as they reasonably consider necessary to enable them to determine the application.

(5) Any information to be furnished to the Commissioners under this regulation must be in such form or verified in such manner as they may specify.

(6) In this regulation, “the business” means money service business which the applicant carries on or proposes to carry on.