The Family Health Services Appeal Authority (Procedure) Rules 2001

Representation at, and action of the respondent Health Authority on notification of, hearing

14.—(1) At the hearing of an appeal or any other hearing in connection with that appeal including a hearing for directions, the respondent Health Authority may conduct their case themselves (with assistance from their representative if they wish) or may appear and be represented by their representative or by Counsel.

(2) When they receive a notice of the time and place of the hearing of the appeal, the respondent Health Authority shall inform the FHSAA whether or not they intend to attend or be represented at the hearing, and whether or not they intend to call witnesses and where they do intend to call witnesses, they shall supply their names and addresses to the FHSAA.

(3) If the Health Authority do not intend to attend or be represented at the hearing, they may send to the FHSAA additional written representations in support of their reply.