The Transport Act 2000 (Civil Aviation Authority Pension Scheme) Order 2001

Lump sum

26.2  If a Member who has ceased to be a Current Member of the CAA Section and is not a Current Member of the CAA Section in respect of any subsequent period of membership of the CAA Section dies before any retirement benefit has become payable to him from the CAA Section, the Trustees shall pay in accordance with Rule 37 an amount equal to whichever is the greater of:

(a)his Final Pensionable Earnings at the date on which he ceased to be a Current Member increased on the basis described in Rule 24.3 but in respect of the period from the date on which he ceased to be a Current Member up to the date of his death; and

(b)the total of the contributions paid by him to the CAA Section under Rule 23.1 (and under the Previous Scheme Provisions) together with such of his voluntary contributions as the Trustees shall determine and his Transferred Contributions (if any), with the addition of 3 per cent per annum compound interest on it up to the date of the Member’s death calculated by the Trustees with the guidance of the Actuary;

provided always that if such a Member dies on or after Normal Pension Date before any retirement benefit has become payable to him from the CAA Section the amount described above in this Rule 26.2 shall not be payable but the Member shall be treated for the purposes of the CAA Section as if he had retired on the day before his death and the benefits payable from the CAA Section shall be as if the Member had elected to receive the maximum cash sum permissible under Rule 29.2, any such cash sum to be not less than the amount described in paragraph (a) above and to be payable in accordance with Rule 37.