The Transport Act 2000 (Civil Aviation Authority Pension Scheme) Order 2001

Employer ceasing to participate

20.1  The participation in the NATS Section of an Employer other than the Sponsoring Section Employer shall cease upon the happening of any of the following events (whichever shall first occur):

(a)if such Employer terminates its liability to contribute to the NATS Section as described in Rule 44;

(b)if such Employer at any time fails to pay to the Trustees any sum or sums on or within seven days after the date on which the Trustees in accordance with Rule 11 have required the same to be paid or fails to observe and perform any other of its obligations under the Scheme and the Trustees thereupon give notice in writing of not less than 28 days to such Employer that its participation in the NATS Section shall cease;

(c)if the Sponsoring Section Employer has given six months' previous notice in writing to the Trustees (or such shorter period of notice acceptable to the Trustees) that the participation of the Employer is to cease and such period expires;

(d)if an order is made or an effective resolution is passed for the winding-up of such Employer (other than for the purpose of reconstruction or amalgamation with any other company) or such Employer ceases to carry on business;

(e)if the degree of association between the Sponsoring Section Employer and such Employer ceases to be sufficiently great to justify the continued participation of such Employer in the NATS Section;

(f)if the continued approval of the Scheme as an exempt approved scheme for the purposes of Chapter I of Part XIV of the Taxes Act would be prejudiced,

provided that the participation of the Employer in the NATS Section may be continued until such date as the Employer, the Sponsoring Section Employer, the Trustees and the Board of Inland Revenue may agree.