Notification of information to the National Poisons Information Service

29.—(1) This regulation shall not apply to a biocidal product on the market in Great Britain on 14th May 2000 until 6th May 2003.

(2) The person responsible for first placing a biocidal product on the market in Great Britain shall submit to the National Poisons Information Service written notification of the information specified in Schedule 8 relating to that biocidal product.

(3) Subject to paragraph (4), the notification referred to in paragraph (2) shall be submitted to the National Poisons Information Service—

(a)within three months after the date on which these Regulations come into force; or

(b)within one month after the date on which the biocidal product in question was first placed on the market in Great Britain,

whichever is the later.

(4) In the case of a biocidal product which is on the market in Great Britain on 14th May 2000, the notification referred to in paragraph (2) shall be submitted to the National Poisons Information Service by 13th May 2003.

(5) A person who has submitted a notification under paragraph (2) shall also submit to the National Poisons Information Service written notification of any change to the information notified by him in accordance with that paragraph.

(6) Notifications to be submitted in accordance with this regulation shall be sent to the National Poisons Information Service at NPIS Birmingham Centre, City Hospital NHS Trust, Dudley Road, Birmingham B18 7QH.

(7) In the event of an emergency referred to in paragraph 4(c) of Schedule 8, the individual to be contacted shall provide such further information relating to the biocidal product in question as the National Poisons Information Service may require.

(8) The National Poisons Information Service shall not disclose any information notified to it in pursuance of this regulation except to, and at the request of—

(a)a registered medical practitioner; or

(b)a person working under the direction of a registered medical practitioner,

in connection with the medical treatment of a person who may have been affected by the biocidal product in question.