2001 No. 921


The Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) (Amendment) Rules 2001


Coming into force

The Secretary of State, in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 91 of the Licensing Act 19641, hereby makes the following Rules:

Citation and commencement1

These Rules may be cited as the Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) (Amendment) Rules 2001 and shall come into force at the end of one week beginning with the day on which they are made.

Amendments to the Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) Rules 19822


The Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) Rules 19822 shall be amended as follows.


In rule 5(1)3 after “section 81A(3)” insert “or section 81AA(1)4”.


In rule 65 for “or section 81A(3)” insert “, section 81A(3) or section 81AA(1)”.


In rule 76 for “or 81” substitute“, 81 or 81AA”.

Parliamentary Under-Secretary of StateMike O'BrienHome Office

(This note is not part of the Rules)

These Rules amend the Licensing (Special Hours Certificates) Rules 1982 consequent on the Deregulation (Sunday Licensing) Order 2001 which makes provision for the imposition of a limitation on special hours certificates to exclude Sundays in the case of disturbance or disorder.